
  1. Morning Glory

    Food or drink related New Year resolutions (2022)

    Do you have food or drink related resolutions for 2022? My main one is a complete clear out of store cupboards and freezers. Its bonkers. I simply have too much stuff which is old and probably past using. In fact, its so bonkers that I'm not even sure what I have.
  2. K

    Healthy Resolutions 2019

    Are you planning on any healthy resolutions for the new year? Be it walking or exercise, a healthier diet, drinking more water - what's your plan or goal for the new year?
  3. Lullabelle

    Do you have any New Year's resolutions?

    Does anyone make New Years resolutions, food or otherwise? I have never bothered in the past, always felt that if you want to change something in your life then you should just do it no matter what time of the year it is, however, things are different. This year has been busy and at times very...
  4. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Cooking New Year Resolutions 2017

    Do you have any cooking related new year resolutions? Are you planning on any cooking course, learning a new technique or food style? Are you planning on learning to cook more healthily? Going back on to a weight loss program? Or just cutting back on sugar? Me: well I need to get my act...
  5. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    New Year Resolutions 2017

    So what are your new year resolutions (non-food related) this year? I had been doing really well with my diet and fitness in general. Fitness slipped when the bikes were shipped to Australia, spending 3 months in shipping containers. They say it takes 50 repeats of something for it to become...
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