Benefits of Bananas


5 Jan 2014
Local time
10:05 PM
Banana's are very delicious, healthy and beneficial!
Here are some of the health benefits of bananas:
*Lowers blood pressure
*They are an anti-inflammatory
*Fights depression and anxiety
*Reduces risk of stroke
*Helps maintain regular heartbeat
*Helps ease constipation
*Reduced symptoms of nicotine withdrawal
*Relieves menstrual cramps
*Helps prevent kidney cancer
*Good food source for those with ulcers
*Helps curbs cravings
What are some other benefits of banana's? Do you eat them often? What are some of your favorite recipes that have bananas in them?


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Yes I love Bananas..and let us not forget the one of the most important uses...have a hangover? Eat a Banana!!
Yes I love Bananas..and let us not forget the one of the most important uses...have a hangover? Eat a Banana!!
Seriously?! I did not know this! Banana's help hangovers?! After reading your post, I googled it. Here's what I found.
"Due to alcohol's diuretic effect, noshing on bananas the morning after can replace potassium and other lost electrolytes. Blend a banana into a fruit smoothie if your stomach is feeling rebellious against solid foods." Source:
That is very interesting! I had no idea! Thanks for sharing!
I'm not the biggest fan of bananas, but I do know they are very beneficial for our bodies. My grandma actually eats many bananas a day and she is the healthier most well disposed 76 year old I have ever met!
You'll never look at a banana the same way again after discovering the many health benefits and reasons to add them to your diet. Bananas combat depression, make you smarter, cure hangovers, relieve morning sickness, protect against kidney cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and blindness. They can cure the itch of a mosquito bite and put a great shine on your shoes.
1. Bananas help overcome depression due high levels of tryptophan,
which is converted into serotonin -- the happy-mood brain
2. Eat two bananas before a strenuous workout to pack an energy punch
and sustain your blood sugar
3. Protect against muscle cramps during workouts and night time leg
cramps by eating a banana
4. Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by
supplementing with a banana
5. Improve your mood and reduce PMS symptoms by eating a banana,
which regulates blood sugar and produces stress-relieving relaxation
6. Bananas reduce swelling, protect against type II diabetes, aid weight
loss, strengthen the nervous system, and help with the production of
white blood cells, all due to high levels of vitamin B-6
7. Strengthen your blood and relieve anemia with the added iron from
8. High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by
the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure, and protect against heart
attack and stroke.

I just made custards, salads and shakes with banana and never tried cooking it :-o It seems a bit interesting too.
I had no idea that bananas help with menstrual cramps. Unfortunately, I suffer from them. So, next time I have this issues, I'll give them a try.
Bananas are great and I can attest that they do help with menstrual cramps, leg cramps, and hangovers. I eat them every night before bed to keep leg cramps at bay.
Wow, I did not know that banana's have so many beneficial qualities! I always thought they might be a bit bad for you because they contain like 5 different types of sugars, I like the taste of banana's and they're also great in certain dishes and recipies.
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