Burn's Night Tonight

30 Nov 2012
Local time
12:47 AM
Hampshire, UK
Today is Burn's Night so haggis, neeps and tatties are on the menu this evening. Neither of us are Scottish (though I did go to uni in Edinburgh) but we like to take the opportunity to have something different for a change.

I'm not actually the biggest fan of haggis, so in an effort to avoid having lots of leftovers we're going a bit posh and are having haggis filo parcels:

I know that you can't get or make real haggis in the USA (because certain ingredients aren't allowed) but there are plenty of non-traditional substitutes....so, is anyone else planning a particularly Scottish meal tonight?
Do tell, what ingredients aren't allowed in the US.
I believe its the sheep's lung that is banned in the US. I'm not sure but I think the rest of the pluck (heart and liver) is fine though?

I went to a Burn´s Night Supper way back in 1984.
I had no idea what Haggis was, nor how it was made, so I chowed it down, tatties, neeps and all, along with Orkney cheese and oatcakes.
And whisky.
I was sick as a dog...
It was the oatcakes that did it wasn't it? Nothing whatsoever to do with the whisky.... :whistling:
We normally partake every year however TVC was supposed to out for most of today on business so we didn't buy, however his trip was cancelled yesterday. Maybe at the weekend.
I bought a can of haggis from the royal mile when last there. I tried it when I got home. Wife wouldn't eat it.
It was interesting!!
My neighbours growing up were Scottish so bag pipes every weekend never bothered me.

I love haggis, but unless I raise my own sheep, I can't get the sheep lungs here. Had it frequently on trips to Scotland.

Dad once made the vegetarian version (from a NY Times recipe) and it was very close to the real thing, surprisingly, - no TVP either.

Something if and when I get back to Scotland: goals - real haggis again and a visit to both the Orkney Isles and the Isle of Lewis.

Didn't do anything for Burns' Night - I do want to make Bridie Pies sometime this spring, however.
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