Can you freeze lemons and limes?


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
12:31 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
I'm wondering if you can do limes and lemons. We have 2 lemon trees that I squeeze juice and freeze. But can you do fresh ones?

As VC says, you can freeze anything.
Last year a neighbour ( who seems to have an entire orchard of lemon/lime trees) gave me a huge bag of lemons.
I drank loads of tequila.
I made enough lemon meringue pies to feed an army.
I made lemon bars.
I made lemon cordial - that´s a good keeper.
I made preserved lemons.
I made Indian Sweet lime pickle, and sour lime pickle.
I grated lemon zest.
I made lemon cheesecake.
But I never froze a single one.
As VC says, you can freeze anything.
Last year a neighbour ( who seems to have an entire orchard of lemon/lime trees) gave me a huge bag of lemons.
I drank loads of tequila.
I made enough lemon meringue pies to feed an army.
I made lemon bars.
I made lemon cordial - that´s a good keeper.
I made preserved lemons.
I made Indian Sweet lime pickle, and sour lime pickle.
I grated lemon zest.
I made lemon cheesecake.
But I never froze a single one.

I'm liking the tequila one!!!

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