Recipe Candied orange peel


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
1:29 AM
SE Florida


Oranges of your choice, preferably organic since you are only using the peel
White granulated sugar

This is not an exact amount recipe because the amounts will depend on how many oranges you using.

You can also use this technique for any other citrus fruit, limes lemons, grapefruits, etc.


Using a sharp knife, cut off the colored part of the peel, trying to avoid the white pith as much as possible. If you get a piece that has a little too much white on it, lay it on a flat surface and use the knife to carefully scrape it off.

Fill aappropriately sized saucepan about 3/4 full and bring to a boil. Drop the orange peels in and blanch for about 30 seconds. Drain in a colander with small holes. Repeat twice more. This will get rid of any bitterness from pith that might still be attached.

In the same saucepan, place equal amounts of water and sugar, and an appropriately sized pinch of salt. Bring to a slow boil. Add the orange peels, stir gently, then reduce heat so you have a simmer to very low boil and cook for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove peels with a slotted spoon or spider and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Allow to dry. It can take anywhere from 4 hours to a couple of days depending on the humidity.

If you want to roll in sugar, allow to dry until tacky, then roll in sugar, replace on pan, and allow to finish drying.

Hint: Save the orange flavored sugar syrup for use in beverages or other recipes.
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Always good to have a recipe for this tucked away - I usually need to make some around Christmas.
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