Can't post a recipe: browser console???

Mountain Cat

12 Apr 2019
Local time
10:17 PM
Hilltowns of Massachusetts
Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

I am trying to add a recipe to the forum. The above is the message I keep getting. What is a "browser console"?
I get the same message with either browser I have here. I have done things like stripping out the photos, turning the mess into text, and stuff like that. I tested another recipe yesterday and it posted. I really haven't done anything to the recipe I want to add (to the challenge) any differently than any other recipe I've uploaded.

(I do REFUSE to re-type the thing from scratch. Don't got time or interest for that!)
It's something I've seen off and on the last few months. Usually, just hitting the post button lets it through. Sometimes, it's taken me two or three attempts before it's successful.

I've had only one instance where I haven't been able to do something because of that error, but other than that one time, it's worked.
I had the same issue when PM-ing someone just now (no photo attachments but a 'message quote'). I tried it three times and it worked on the third time. 🤷‍♂️
It's a known bug, the oops problem but it usually clears. I haven't been able to look into it and won't be able to for some time (literally going in for my op in the next 2hrs). Usually retrying clears the issue.

I've never known it to prevent actually using the forum.

The best option is probably to save the post contents as a draft or select all and copy (as a backup) then try posting again.

But given that MC can post (she has for this) retrying is all i can suggest. No need to retype anything either, just hit the post reply button again, or take a copy of the text and try in a new window if 1st option of pressing the button a second time doesn't work.
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I replied in a PM to you and I had no problems with the file, Can see nothing wrong but I'm also unable to post it, despite trying repeatedly! Its a mystery right now...
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