

15 Oct 2012
Local time
8:47 AM
storrington; via montreal, horsham, toronto
Is there a good reason why I cannot start a new conversation with a member that I am already having a conversation with?
When I press the 'Start a Conversation' button i get the following message: 'You may not start a conversation with the following recipients:' and then it lists the member's name.
Or am I just being a bit thick?
There are only 2 setting privacy wise on here. Accepting conversations from members only, or from people who you follow. Maybe their settings are set to only accept conversations from the latter? Just a thought
As @welsh dragon states, who started the first conversation? If they did, then the most likely reason I'd that they have their privacy settings set to only accept pm from people who they follow out not at all. If you started the first conversation, then they may well have changed their privacy settings since then. Your best option is to ask them, or let Mr know who they are and I can check what their privacy settings are for you (but I won't change them without their permission).
You and me both!

Wonder if this has anything to do with it?!!!
When I changed by avatar on one of the sister sites (CycleChat) people complained and wanted me to go back to my old one! If you know your crap TV series from the 90's (?) you'll know who she is!
Don't remember anything different on CC.
Don't know crap tv series - probably was not in the uk at the time, unless it was mid to late 90's.
Don't remember anything different on CC.
Don't know crap tv series - probably was not in the uk at the time, unless it was mid to late 90's.
Xena warrior princess. She's Callisto. I tried changing it summer last year and there were complaints!
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