Cooked Avocado?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
9:52 AM
SE Australia
Has anyone ever come across cooked avocado's before?
I ask because my hubby says he wants to try a recipe he 'saw' but does not know what it is called or where he saw it. The avocado had an egg cooked in it in place of the stone...

It just seems really weird to me, but you never know.
I tried that and was not a huge fan. I saw it on pinterest, where you crack an egg in the pit of the avocado and bake it. It pretty much leaches the avocado of most of it's flavor and gives it this awful texture. Apparently you're supposed to pick a very unripe avocado though??
I have never seen cooked avocado! I have had avocado as a sweet desert, though, which is common in Brazil. We usually make it like an avocado cream which tastes amazing.
But cooked seems really weird! I would like to see that!
Please chime in and tell us how it turns out. I'd love to see a picture too... probably going to google this one.

I love avocado but I've never heard of eating it cooked. It sounds like cooking a banana to me... equally unappealing (though bananas foster is quite good so you know).

Perhaps you could make avocado bread? Oh I shudder at the thought.
Well, we tried it today and it was successful. It surprised both of us, but I did have issues containing the egg within the avocado because despite me only putting 1/2 the white and the all of the yolk in, when grilled the yolk in both of the avocados decided that escaping and leaving was the best option!

Taste wise - the eggs needed salt & pepper - that would have helped. I had sprinkled paprika over the tops but that was totally lost because the avocado was grilled possibly a little too much and had browned on the top so the paprika did not show. The cooked/hot avocado was nice, but needed more seasoning and had lost all of the oiliness that it usually has. I grilled it, rather than oven baked, so that could be where I went wrong. next time I will try oven baking it instead for a slower cooking heat and longer time period.

Otherwise it roughly looked like a darker version of this


One thing I can say, is that this recipe is definitely a 'biggest avocado' and 'smallest egg' recipe and I think I will beat the egg next time and pour it into the stone hole using 1 egg per 2 halves of avocado. It should make seasoning easier.
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