Cooking while wearing jewelry/accessories


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
10:20 PM
Ohio, US
Lidia Bastianich is known (in part) for cooking while wearing several big, jangly gold bracelets.

If you watch her videos, you’ll see the bracelets get into the dough a little, or drag across a tomato-soaked cutting board. She frequently gets questions/comments about it (and not positive ones!).

The only jewelry I wear is just a simple wedding band, which I don’t bother to take off when I’m prepping or cooking or cleaning up.

For those of you who may wear jewelry or other accessories that could come into contact with your prepping/cooking, do you remove that stuff first or just leave it and clean it later if needed?
I only wear a wristwatch, and only when I go someplace. At home, no jewelry.

When I was married, I sometimes wore my wedding band while cooking, and other times I took it off. It depended what I was doing. For example, if I was mixing ground meat for meatballs or a meatloaf, the ring came off -- and went to jewelry box in our bedroom, so I wouldn't lose it. But, it was a pretty expensive wedding band.

Tina took her wedding rings off, too, under the same circumstances.

Starting work welding you cant wear jewellery in case of arcing. Metal vs electricity is not good.
Besides when we got married we could only afford 1 ring.
I've only started wearing a watch since my 50th when my kids bought me an expensive watch. I take it off when cooking. I'm minimalist in a lot of ways.
My wife on the other hand......

Starting work welding you cant wear jewellery in case of arcing. Metal vs electricity is not good.
Besides when we got married we could only afford 1 ring.
I've only started wearing a watch since my 50th when my kids bought me an expensive watch. I take it off when cooking. I'm minimalist in a lot of ways.
My wife on the other hand......

I take it off, baby. I don't wear jewelry at home, not even rings.
The only jewelry I wear is just a simple wedding band, which I don’t bother to take off when I’m prepping or cooking or cleaning up.

I wear a gold engagement ring which I cannot take off. I don't wear bracelets, earrings, noserings, ankle bracelets nor belly button jewelry when cooking. In fact I never wear bracelets, earrings, noserings, ankle bracelets nor belly button jewelry at any time.

But I'm not from Liverpool.
I take my rings off when cooking, I was taught to do so at culinary school and I still cringe when I see people touch minced beef or something similar with their rings on. It's a health hazard and the bits of food getting stuck under the rings is also a gross idea, even more so if the person cooking proceeds to toss the salad without washing on screen in between. It's food poisoning waiting to happen and by all means a bad example!
I had an earing in my left ear as a teenager. For about 6 months. A chicks mum was a nurse, she did it with 2 cubed of ice and a safety pin.


I have a birthmark on the lobe of my left ear which resembles a sealed up hole.

Many years ago I went to my boss's house for dinner and arrived before him and his wife returned from shopping. He had an adjacent field which a pretty girl called Pauline used to exercise her horse. I went over to "chat her up" opening with "That's a fine horse you have there". "Do you know something about horses?" she asked. "I was brought up with horses; I was born a Gypsy" - indicating the birthmark on my ear. "You can ride him if you want", she said.

Now the nearest I've been to equine creatures was donkeys on Scarborough beach so I politely declined. However, she was persistent and I didn't wish to lose face so I agreed to at least get on it. It was big - but fortunately I am quite tall and I'd seen enough cowboy movies to know the general principles of mounting a horse. I mounted it with what I thought was panache and was quite pleased with myself.

"Take him for a trot around the field", she said. I tried a few excuses but she wouldn't have it and she whacked the thing on the behind and it was off like a rocket (or so it seemed). I was bloody terrified but eventually managed to get the beast to stop so I could dismount.

I had known Pauline (but not the horse) for a few years at the time and came into contact with her many times since but the horse riding was never again mentioned.
I only wear a watch and I keep it on.
I used to wear a silver bracelet and I would put that high on my arm (it was a little too big) when cooking or take it off.
At one point in time I lost it dping a lot of field work. Found it and put it away. So just a (diving) watch now
I can't wear any jewelry when I'm cooking and that includes my wrist watch and earrings. It just feels kind of heavy and uncomfortable wearing that kind of stuff when I'm cooking.
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