Recipe Easy cream of asparagus soup


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
4:27 PM
The Netherlands
I'm all about convenience these days, minimum work maximum results. So this is a very easy adaptation of creamed asparagus soup.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
500 g of white asparagus
550 ml of strong chicken stock
100 ml of crème fraiche
2 tsp Garlic powder (yes, I know, fresh is usually better but not for this recipe)
Black pepper (grated)
Salt to taste

1. Peel the asparagus, then chop them in about 4 pieces a stalk.
2. Bring the stock to the boil, cooking the asparagus in it for 5 to 10 minutes.
3. Let cool down to room temperature, and add the stock and asparagus to a blender. Then add the crème fraiche, pepper, and garlic powder. Blitz until a frothy, silky liquid.
4. Top with mustard cress (and sometimes a bit of bacon) and serve re-heated.

PS. I am not sure how the crème fraiche can be replaced in countries that don't have it, it's a cream but slightly tart. Crème Fraiche Substitute: What Can You Use Instead?
PS. I am not sure how the crème fraiche can be replaced in countries that don't have it, it's a cream but slightly tart.
I think I’m going to try this, and I’m currently out of crème fraîche, so I’ll use sour cream as a substitute. I’ve also subbed in yogurt in the past.
I think I’m going to try this, and I’m currently out of crème fraîche, so I’ll use sour cream as a substitute. I’ve also subbed in yogurt in the past.
I hope it works, I've never used sour cream before because that's what's hard to get here lol . But as long as it's kinda thick and slightly tart it should be good.
It sound lovely and I can understand the use of garlic powder here. I'll make this with green asparagus though. Despite the popularity of white asparagus in Europe its almost impossible to get in the UK.
It sound lovely and I can understand the use of garlic powder here. I'll make this with green asparagus though. Despite the popularity of white asparagus in Europe its almost impossible to get in the UK.
That's unfortunate! Though I am sure it would be ok too with green asparagus, it will just taste a little less creamy.

I now understand why you said ' the stuff of my dreams ' . I was already wondering what made you desire it that much
I now understand why you said ' the stuff of my dreams ' . I was already wondering what made you desire it that much

Well, partly because its so difficult to get white asparagus but also because I love, love, love asparagus, be it green, white or purple. Its currently asparagus season here, so your recipe is perfect for now.
Just stock and asparagus? Do you get white asparagus in Canada?
Not locally, just green but I can get white through our purveyor, which I have done but I prefer the green and it's a lot cheaper. The thicker the green stalk the better imo.

Yeah, I sauteed onion and garlic in butter, lots of butter until fairly soft without color then added sliced asparagus, tips and all and continued to cook for a few minutes and seasoned. Added white wine, a Riesling and reduced until fairly well gone, sans a couple of tbsps. then added chicken stock that we make here and water in a 2:1 ratio. Brought up to a simmer and cooked until the asparagus was rendered soft, basically overcooked. Seasoned a second time and then let it sit to cool down slightly then transfer to the Vitamix and then added sorrel for it's citrus characteristics and then added baby spinach for added chlorophyll to set a nice green color, then a final seasoning. Passed this through a chinois.
I think I’m going to try this, and I’m currently out of crème fraîche, so I’ll use sour cream as a substitute. I’ve also subbed in yogurt in the past.

We also have Mexican Crema here, which is another sub for crème fraîche. It is in most stores in Texas. It is not as thick as sour cream. You can pour it.

It sound lovely and I can understand the use of garlic powder here. I'll make this with green asparagus though. Despite the popularity of white asparagus in Europe its almost impossible to get in the UK.
I just saw some white asparagus yesterday at the grocery store. It was $1 more per pound than the green. The only thing I don't like about the white asparagus I have seen around is that it's significantly stalkier than the green. I love very thin green asparagus and don't care for the woody, thick stalks.
We also have Mexican Crema here, which is another sub for crème fraîche. It is in most stores in Texas. It is not as thick as sour cream. You can pour it.

That's what Chipotle Mexican Grill uses.
I just saw some white asparagus yesterday at the grocery store. It was $1 more per pound than the green. The only thing I don't like about the white asparagus I have seen around is that it's significantly stalkier than the green. I love very thin green asparagus and don't care for the woody, thick stalks.

Yes, asparagus fans have their preferences. I like the thin stalks, too. But, a lot of others like the thick stalks.

We also have Mexican Crema here, which is another sub for crème fraîche. It is in most stores in Texas. It is not as thick as sour cream. You can pour it.

That’s probably a better substitute, and I can get that in town, so I may try that.
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