Recipe Fried tuna steak with stewed onions


Legendary Member
30 Jul 2020
Local time
4:54 AM

This is a traditional recipe from the south of Portugal, really easy to make and delicious.

- 3 tuna steaks
- 3 garlic cloves, sliced
- 100ml olive oil
- 3 onions, thinly sliced
- 1 tablespoon tomato paste or 2 small peeled tomatoes, diced
- 50 ml white whine
- 1 tablespoon vinegar
- salt and pepper

1. Heat olive oil in a pan, add onions, season with salt and pepper and add the tomato paste or/peeled tomatoes. Cover and let it stew under low heat for 10 minutes. Around the 8 minutes mark add the white wine. Remove from the heat and add the vinegar.
2. Season the tuna steaks with salt and pepper. Heat a bit of olive oil, stir fry and the garlic and add the tuna steak. Let it cook, 1 minute each side if you like it rare, 2/3 minutes each side if you want the tuna better cooked.

Eat with boiled potatoes or sweet potato puree. Enjoy!

Notes: You can add a small red pepper, finely diced, to the onion stew.

Happy cooking!
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