

11 Nov 2013
Local time
12:23 PM
Hello everybody, I'm kitkat0124, I'm new here and I'm from the Philippines. I love eating and I can say that food is one of my weaknesses. (is that possible?) I love trying new food specially if I'm traveling to other places. I also love cooking. I try to experiment with the taste to create a new flavor. I also enjoy watching cooking shows. I will surely enjoy this Foodieschat.
Hi there kitkat!:) My nickname is Pipps and I'm new here too! I am moving out of my family home soon and into my first flat with my boyfriend. I'm looking for budget friendly food that is also affordable. My weakness is food and although I'm very slim, I eat like a horse. (everyone says so haha) I love fresh high quality seafood and fish. I am looking forward to meeting like-minded people and finding out some new recipes.
Hi Pipps, nice meeting you. We both have weakness to food. I envy you... you eat a lot but your slim... hahaha. I'm not that big but I'm not slim either. For sure your metabolism is great.
Haha, I do have a good metabolism. I have been extremely lucky to have been blessed with that. But my family say once I reach 30, it will all start going. So I'm making the most of being able to eat whatever I want right now :P

Why have you joined the foodies chat?:)
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