Retro Recipe Nettle Bread Rolls


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:01 PM
SE Australia
Ok - I promised I would write up my Nettle recipes, so here is another one today.

I should warn you that you will end up with green bread, but this is great for identification and actually looks really good because it is a vibrant green at this time of year and looks excellent! Serve with any soup or stew assuming they last that long. They don't in this household.

Nettle Bread Rolls - Makes 12 - 24 rolls

1oz fresh yeast or 1/2oz easy-blend dried yeast
2 tsp caster sugar
12fl oz/350ml tepid water and milk (50/50)
1lb/450g strong white flour
1/2 - 1 tsp salt
20oz/50g butter or marg
4oz/100g young nettles (dry weight - washed and drained)
milk, to glaze

  • Dissolve the (fresh or dried) yeast & sugar in 4tbsp of tepid water/milk. Now stir in half of the remaining tepid water/milk.
  • Sift the flour and salt into a large warmed bowl and make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture.
  • Draw down the little of the flour from the edges to lightly cover the yeast and leave until cracks appear on the surface.
  • In the meantime, melt the butter and add to the remaining milk/water in a medium sized saucepan. Add the nettles, bring to the boil and cook for 10 minutes until the nettles are well softened.
  • Remove from the heat, cool and liquidize (blend).
  • Pour the nettle and milk mixture slowly into the flour and yeast whilst mixing until a soft dough forms (it will now be green - don't worry!)
  • Knead for 5 minutes, then transfer to an oiled bowl and over with cling film.
  • Leave in a warm place for 1-1 1/2 hrs to prove or until doubled in size.
  • Turn out on to a lightly floured surface. Cut in half and roll in to 2 sausage shapes. Cut each into 6-12 equal sized pieces and knead lightly, shape into a roll shape and place in a lightly greased baking sheet.
  • Brush with milk to glaze, then cover loosely with cling film and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes or until doubled in size.
  • Meanwhile preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.
  • Removed the plastic film and bake the rolls fro 10-15 minutes until they sound hollow when their bases are tapped lightly.
  • Transfer to a wire rack to cool and serve warm or cool.
Thanks for this recipe, the idea of green bread sounds very fun. Too bad I will not have time to go get some nettles today or I would make it in honor of St. Paddy's day. It looks like the only thing I will have to go out and buy is the yeast, as I think mine has expired.
next up is Nettle Gnocchi...
expired yeast should still be OK if it is not too badly out of date. It's not like it is an exact, I'm not going to be yeast from today onwards thing! :laugh: Mind you several years or so could be a problem..
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