Strange narrative when hovering cursor over 'what did you cook or eat today' tag


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
7:27 AM
I hovered my mouse pointer over the tag "what-did-you-cook-or-eat-today" and a story was displayed about a serial killer, cannibal and rapist from the 1800s.


What's that all about?
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I think our software is automatically linking tags to Wikipedia - it seems, somewhat randomly! It might be best if we disable that feature although there may be benefits in having it. I am drawing this to SatNavSaysStraightOn's attention.
It might be best if we disable that feature

nope. not possible. but all someone, anyone needs to do, is to edit the wiki tag. the feature had always been there. (I've spent the last 2 weeks editing tags alphabetically, correcting spelling mistakes, merging and aging the tag line which acts as a description and clearing out incorrect detections... 2 weeks has me to page 26 of 60. I've a lot more to do).

just go to the tag by clicking on it, then pick the obvious button (edit wiki) and write some info of your own. don't just delete and save because it will auto detect and reset to whatever it thinks or wants to be....
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In my, albeit limited, experience, I've found that such automatic advertisements reflect either your searching activities or the subject of the post/article itself. An article about cannibalism relating to "what did you cook today", I found somewhat weird.
nope. not possible. but all someone, anyone needs to do, is to edit the wiki tag. the feature had always been there. (I've spent the last 2 weeks editing tags alphabetically, correcting spelling mistakes, merging and aging the tag line which acts as a description and clearing out incorrect detections... 2 weeks has me to page 26 of 60. I've a lot more to do).

just go to the tag by clicking on it, then pick the obvious button (edit wiki) and write some info of your own. don't just delete and save because it will auto detect and reset to whatever it thinks or wants to be....

Sorry if I'm being thick but how could one 'edit' the cannibalism info? It has no relevance at all.
In my, albeit limited, experience, I've found that such automatic advertisements reflect either your searching activities or the subject of the post/article itself. An article about cannibalism relating to "what did you cook today", I found somewhat weird.
not in this case. it is a description of the tag. nothing more. so if you look up something such as this one, kahlua, (kahlua), it has a description at the top telling you what it actually is (this is one I edited today).
not in this case. it is a description of the tag. nothing more. so if you look up something such as this one, kahlua, (kahlua), it has a description at the top telling you what it actually is (this is one I edited today).

So that tag line I have added as a short description (limited number of characters permitted) and the info is the wiki link. I could have changed that wiki info if I wanted to. I didn't need to in this instance.


Just so I understand - if I change the wiki info displayed does it then change it on Wikipedia too?
no, just our own wiki equivalent and when we don't change anything it defaults to wiki which is why spelling is so important. you'll know it's a wiki article because it links to it at the bottom. our changes don't.
all it is doing is a wiki search on the terms in the tag itself. nothing more. display a short certain of the results and give a link... and you can't edit wiki unless you have a dedicated account on wiki and log in there to edit it, then it has to be approved via peer review etc

it also never puts anything in the tag line by default which is the 1 line info that is shown with the tag.
all it is doing is a wiki search on the terms in the tag itself. nothing more. display a short certain of the results and give a link... and you can't edit wiki unless you have a dedicated account on wiki and log in there to edit it, then it has to be approved via peer review etc

A long time ago I uploaded a map of the town where I live to Wikipedia.

They deleted it.

I uploaded it again.

They deleted it.

I asked why.

They said that I had to prove that the copyright of the map belonged to me.

How the hell do I do that?

They didn't reply.

I haven't posted anything to Wikipedia since.

The map in question...........

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