Review WMF Profi Plus Garlic Press Review


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
4:07 AM
SE Australia
I wouldn't normally rave about a garlic press/crusher except that we use a lot of garlic in our cooking and when we went off to cycle around the world, one of the kitchen items that was claimed by friends was an old failthful garlic crusher which I had had for decades. At the time, I thought to myself I was not going to miss it - how wrong was I until I found this garlic press.

When we came home I had to purchase a new one and looking at designs in the shops and trying out ones family and friends had, I came to the conclusion that I didn't like any of them. Most seemed to require too much effort, handles were too flimsy, or spread more of the garlic over the garlic press than actually came through as crushed garlic. That was until I came across the WMF Profi Plus Garlic Press. I read the reviews and thought - how much for a garlic crusher? Well I have to say, in the end I took a leap of faith and paid £:whistling: way too much and low and behold have been stunned by it ever since. I have now had it for 12 months and it is still a dream to use and exceptionally easy to clean.

It is by far the best garlic crusher I have known, ever. Even better than my old faithful which takes some beating. Things I really like about it, include the fact someone who crushes garlic appears to have designed it - little things like it is really easy to use with one hand (and even with my weak, bad left hand) it is really easy to clean and most of all, virtially all of the garlic arrives as pressed garlic coming out of the garlic press rather than getting squished up the sides.... It can even crush really large cloves of garlic without the need to cut them in half. Best of all, it is actually strong enough to crush pieces of ginger as well and convince you the handle is not going to snap in half!


Just a word of warning though - don't drop it on your foot, it is heavy. Oh and if you go looking for it and come across one with the same name - they have 2 very similar. You want the more expensive one or the one with 17.5 on the end (sometimes it has it, sometimes it does not).
I use a knife. Squash clove with flat of blade to loosen skin, peel it, chop roughly, then use the edge of the flat again to mash it.

But I know what you mean about having a really good bit of kit. I've got a Swiss engineered can opener - I'd never have bought one myself, but one year when Mum asked what I'd like for Xmas, I was inspired and said my tin opener was knackered, and could I have a decent one?
I tend to grate garlic on the fine grater on my grater bowl. I've never found a garlic press I can get on with, and a Spanish friend recommended grating. I might drop hints to my son about that press though - he always buys me cooking-related presents at Christmas.
I have a garlic press from the Pampered Chef collection that I absolutely adore! Much like you I LOVE garlic and use it in most every meal. And I like my garlic fresh - not from a jar. I've had my press for about 5 years now and its sturdy and the best thing about it is you don't even have to peel the clove if you don't want to. Put the whole clove peel and all in and press...VIOLA...perfectly pressed garlic every time!
I've had this garlic press for over 3 years now, and you can't tell its age. It still looks brand new despite getting almost daily use. I still love it and it is still an amazing bit of equipment. I have no hesitation in recommending it now, despite it's price. Would I buy it again if I lost mine - without a doubt!
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