Retro Recipe Yorkshire Curd Tart

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
8:21 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
In celebration of Yorkshire Day, this recipe is said to date back to 1750's. Its interesting because of the addition of rosewater. Curd cheese may be difficult to find. You could make your own or I think you could substitute ricotta.


  • Enough short crust pastry to line an 8 inch flan tin (make your own or buy ready-made)
  • 50g caster sugar
  • 200g curd cheese
  • 3 large eggs
  • 25g melted butter
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 50g currants
  • I tsp rosewater
  • A grate or two of nutmeg
  1. Line a flan tin with the pastry and bake 'blind' for 15 mins at 200C. If you want to be really lazy buy a ready cooked flan case and omit this step.
  2. Beat the cheese and sugar together, then beat in the melted butter, eggs, rosewater and lemon zest. Lightly mix in the currants.
  3. Pour the filling into the pastry case and grate nutmeg on top. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes at 180C, until the filling is just set.
Allow to cool before slicing.
Has curd cheese become a problem to find? You used to be able to purchase it in British supermarkets without any issues? (I've not looked since developing the allergy to dairy, I must admit, but it never used to be a problem.)
Has curd cheese become a problem to find? You used to be able to purchase it in British supermarkets without any issues? (I've not looked since developing the allergy to dairy, I must admit, but it never used to be a problem.)
I don't know 'cos I haven't looked recently. Its just that last time I did I couldn't find it. It might also be difficult to source in other countries. Will have a hunt...
A quick search. Tesco's no luck. Waitrose: one rather expensive speciality curd cheese. Asda: several Polish curd cheeses! I might try the latter.
Yes, I was reading all that and decided it was too confusing. :scratchhead:Other articles say it is like smooth cottage cheese. To me, curd cheese is much sharper in taste than cream cheese.
Have a go at making some curd
We have a few chemists on here ,c201 and calcium chloride and rennet ,dust your lab coat off and spend hours over the stove ...... A ph meter
Maybe not!
I can get goats as well from one of my cheese suppliers :D
I wondered while reading the recipe if curd cheese meant what we call cheese curds here in the U.S., but now I'm thinking it might be cottage cheese. Cheese curds are very popular in Wisconsin, but not as readily found here. I've had them up there and here as well, and they're usually fried. They delicious, but are firmer than what it sounds like the recipe is describing, whereas cottage cheese is more like ricotta, but not as smooth. The rosewater sounds like an interesting addition, I haven't heard of that being used in many recipes.
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