A Way to Enjoy Drinking Water More


3 Dec 2013
Local time
12:07 AM
Drinking 8 ounces of water daily is key to cleansing out your digestive system. If you don't like water, here's a way to make this liquid taste better.

1 empty Pitcher
1 green apple
1 Bartlett pear
1 lime

1. Core your green apple and cut remainder of it into medium-sized slices.
2. Core your Barlett pear and cut remainder of it into medium-sized slices.
3. Cut your lime into medium-sized slices.
4. Put your apple, pear and lime slices into the pitcher.
5. Pour water on top of these items until this liquid reaches the top.
6. Cover your pitcher and put into the refrigerator.
7. Chill for 1 hour.

The outcome of this mixture is crisp, flavorful water. You can also eat the fruit inside if you so desire.
For me I enjoy drinking plain water alone at the right interval and time for better digestion and its the best for me even I am drinking it without any flavor.
Same here, I love these ideas to flavor water, let's say, for a twist serving fresh drinks, but when it comes to drinking water for body cleansing purposes, I prefer plain water too, and I drink tap water, nor bottled water which I hate.
I rarely add anything to my water but if I do then it's one of the citrus fruits. Same simple recipe and it gives a nice added flavour.
This sounds like a mixed fruit juice... :) I have not tried this but will give it a shot. Drinking water comes naturally to me, maybe because of my gym and exercising nature, where I have grown to appreciate and like water. So, no challenges there.

But this is something I will suggest to my friends. Thanks!
I might have to try this as although I do drink a fair amount of water, I'll admit I don't like the taste of normal water. Trying this recipe would also be a lot cheaper than buying Evian all the time, which I like due to it's slightly milky taste.
Drinking 8 ounces of water daily is key to cleansing out your digestive system. If you don't like water, here's a way to make this liquid taste better.

1 empty Pitcher
1 green apple
1 Bartlett pear
1 lime

1. Core your green apple and cut remainder of it into medium-sized slices.
2. Core your Barlett pear and cut remainder of it into medium-sized slices.
3. Cut your lime into medium-sized slices.
4. Put your apple, pear and lime slices into the pitcher.
5. Pour water on top of these items until this liquid reaches the top.
6. Cover your pitcher and put into the refrigerator.
7. Chill for 1 hour.

The outcome of this mixture is crisp, flavorful water. You can also eat the fruit inside if you so desire.

Thanks for this quick and easy recipe! I generally like drinking water, but sometimes it can get a little boring! Mixing fruit with water is always a fun option when you love the two paired together :)
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