The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

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I could suggested "Thai Dishes" but not only would I have a home advantage there are numerous ways of spelling the words in the Latin Alphabet. My bank in the UK recently pointed out that my address in Thailand was not always shown as the same in the Roman Alphabet. I told them, OK, you translate it......

หมู่ 2 ต.นอกเมือง อ.เมือง จ. สุรินทร์ 32000 ไทย
We Americans, as a general rule, don't drink enough tea to know about brands or even kinds of tea. I could name Tetley, well Lipton too, but I don't think real tea drinkers even consider that as actual tea, and that's about it. For varieties, I can name 3 and that's only because I've used them in recipes.
Most Americans, when it comes to tea, prefer iced tea, either "sweet" or "unsweetened". Sweet tea is very popular in the south. Then there is of course "Long Island Iced "Tea"!:eek:
My last attempt before sinking into despair and abject misery - cereals & grains ?

No doubt @Yorky will point out that you did this one back in the 19th century - but I do have trouble keeping up
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