Anyone ever used saffron?


17 Feb 2015
Local time
4:41 AM
It's one of the most expensive ingredients in the world (if not THE most expensive). I've been wondering what type of flavor it actually brings to dishes and how to get the best out of it?
steeping it in hot water for around 2 hours after crushing it is apparently the best way of getting the full flavour.
All the recipes I use recommend this and it is often put into paella dishes as well as Middle Eastern dishes.
I rarely ever use saffron as I do not have many recipes that call for it. I could see how it is used in many Middle Eastern dishes for the color alone. I know that it gives off the orange color when you use enough of it. My mother in law once gave me a chicken soup recipe that called for saffron and I just omitted it because I could not afford a jar of the spice at the time. I did not notice a difference in the flavor of the soup.
like a lot of commodities there are different grades,some of the stamens we use are not that expensive and commit a very pungent aroma and then taste to a dish when made into a tea like solution,we also use a powder in little sachets ,very good product and easy to use
I'm sure my saffron is the cheaper variety because I can not get any specific flavor out of it. It does turn things a slight orange, and it looks good, but I'm not sure I could ever identify the taste. When I used to make Paella I would use it, but just because that was the only thing I could figure out to put it in.
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