Anyone like Rice Cakes?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
10:16 AM
Brighton, MA.
This is supposed to be a healthy food, and it comes in different flavors.
But I find that the plain ones to taste bland & flat with no taste at all!! :yuck: :stop:
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I don't even like the flavored rice cakes. We used to eat them all the time as kids and I won't go near them now. So many more tasty ways to eat healthy.
I used to grab a pack at the grocery store every so often, trying to convince my brain that I was eating "healthier" but in reality, there really wasn't any nutritional benefit at all. Usually, I found I liked the taste of rice cakes a lot better when I ate a Hershey bar instead and left the rice cakes on the store shelf!
You know something? My grandmother got me into rice cakes when I was younger. It was her favourite grab & go snack. I, personally, loved them. The rest of my siblings? Not so much. They would cover them in jam, peanut butter, whipped cream, chocolate sauce. At times all together.
We get my boys a range called Kallo sweet and savoury,they always make me want to eat something else with them ,just a puff of air,
I love rice cakes! They're a pretty weird snack but I love snacking on them.

Has anyone else heard of Korean rice cakes? They're called "Ddeok" (dok) and they're usually the prime ingredient to a famous Korean dish called "Ddeokbokki". Korean rice cakes are different from the rice cakes we know now and they don't have any taste but when they're mixed with a Korean red pepper sauce, fish cakes, egg and some melted cheese on top, they taste divine! You should try it out if you get the chance to eat on in a Korean restaurant.
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