Are microwaves even worth it anymore?

I would be unable to live without a microwave. We actually rarely use it to reheat anything but as an integral part of our cooking process. It is used to steam vegetables, pre-cook potatoes for stews, make lump and burn free sauces, melt chocolate and butter effortlessly. By reading this thread it seams many people are underestimating the power and ease of the microwave.
Upon browsing various quick and easy recipes online, I'm finding more and more ways to utilize my stove for really quick and easy recipes. I find that the results are just as mess-free, and they provide a lot better results with more consistency than those that I cook in the microwave. My friend's family got rid of their microwave, and they haven't looked back. I'm beginning to think that it's not even necessary to have. What are your views on it? Would you rather use the stove if you had a choice, or do you find that your microwave is a must-have?
I gave up microwaves years ago. I never liked using them in the first place. The main thing I would use them for was to boil water. I remember when microwaves were the latest and greatest thing going on for awhile, until the health issues came out.
Microwaves are still very useful and I do use them to heat up things quickly which leaves less washing up. If I didn't have one I could still survive, but when I had a toaster oven, I barely used the microwave as it was easier to use that to reheat food like pizza.

You do have keep stirring and checking though to make sure it's heated all the way through.
At one time I was considering getting rid of my micro wave when there was talk about the radiation being emitted. However, I have continued to use it only for reheating. I know I can live without one but because of the convenience I use it as a quick and easy fix.

I have never cooked a meal in the micro wave. Recently I heard that our local dish of Coucou and flying fish can now be prepared in the micro wave. Although I love quick and easy, I am not ready to try some of these micro waved meals. There are some old time recipes I won't compromise on.
I don't use my microwave nearly as much as I used to. My stove and oven ate getting much more use than ever before as I find new recipes to test out. The only thing that I really use my microwave for now is to reheat leftovers.
The more kitchen tools I get, the less I use my microwave honestly. I prefer my electric kettle for hot water, or the toaster over or actual over to cook food. I've always found things only microwaved to be sadly soggy. That said, my best friend doesn't have a microwave and I find when I cook at her house it is always somehow an inconvenience, though not one I ever consciously think of. Defrosting things is what often makes me lament her lack of a microwave. Also as previously mentioned, while there are other ways to melt butter, microwaves are always the easiest seeming way for less hassle, time and mess.
I have never used the microwave for any serious cooking, but it's great for heating things or for convenience when i don't have time to cook. I would never consider getting rid of it. The microwave does have some surprising other uses, you can disinfect and deodorize kitchen sponges by soaking them in lemon juice then heating them on high for one minute. You can also use your microwave to re-hydrate stale bread, just cover the bread in a water soaked towel and heat for ten seconds.

If you collect stamps and want to remove one from an envelope just sprinkle a couple of drops of water on to the postage stamp and microwave it, the stamp will then peel easily off the envelope. The microwave is a very versatile piece of equipment and whilst it's not suitable for serious cooking it definitely retains it's worth in today's world.
I don't cook in it. I mainly use it for making popcorn, melting or softening butter and for warming up leftovers.
But it is big and roomy and has 1,100 watts of cooking power! :wink:
I rarely...& I mean RARELY...if ever use my microwave for anything. Not popcorn, not reheating things, not 'microwaved' burritos. No. The only reason I even have one is my guy would be unable to eat warm food ever again if we didn't. I feel that it's his secret lover some days. Anywho, I will admit I have used it once or twice to melt butter because I'm not an octopus, okay! What? No one was judging me??? Oh, sorry...:o_o:
It's necessary for my parents when they come back after work overtime. Fast is everything
Small units aren't worth it, especially if you want faster reheating of leftovers and to make popcorn in one.
Quite similar to a laptop computer that only has 2 gigs of memory! In a short while, your 2-gig computer will start to run so slow.

Small 800-watt microwaves sort of act the same way. They are so slow, and most of them, if they have just mechanical knobs, have only one at that, they don't stay on past 15 minutes!!
So power & size is everything and it DOES matter. :headshake:
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It mine broke I may not replace it. I like to make popcorn in the microwave and the kids use it to make their snacks other than that it does not get used that much.
I use mine quite a lot - but usually in preparation rather than cooking whole meals. For example, if in a hurry, I speed up bread dough proving by giving the dough a ten second blast on high, then waiting ten minutes and repeating. I think we have got so used to the idea that microwaves are for heating up ready-meals that we forget they are a system of cooking in their own right. And they can be very economical, in terms of energy. as well as preserving nutrients.

They are very good for fish, for example - but the danger is, its easy to overcook things. I also use the microwave to cook globe artichokes. It does them quickly and well and saves having huge pans of water bubbling away. You can also make a pretty decent treacle sponge pudding, if in a hurry (though it isn't quite a good as a steamed one). Microwaves can be used to dry herbs, and also, there are crafts you can do using the microwave. So - I wouldn't want to get rid of mine...
I don't like water heated in the microwave for tea or other beverages. I always use my electric kettle, for that, and have for years. I use my microwave for reheating, as well as melting butter, and baking potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob. Occasionally, I'll use it for microwave popcorn, but I've cut way back on that. I only use it now and then, because my air popper is starting to die.
I don't like water heated in the microwave for tea or other beverages. I always use my electric kettle, for that, and have for years. I use my microwave for reheating, as well as melting butter, and baking potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn on the cob. Occasionally, I'll use it for microwave popcorn, but I've cut way back on that. I only use it now and then, because my air popper is starting to die.

The longer the water stays in the microwave, the hotter it gets, as we all know. Heating it to the boiling point spells disaster!
At 212 degrees, there is sort of a violent chemical reaction between the instant coffee or tea and the boiling water - which causes it to "boil over" and create a big mess! And your hands could get seriously scalded in the process!!

To be safe, I start off with cold water in the mug. I set the power on High, but the water is in the microwave for only about 2 minutes and 10 seconds. This helps keep the water from getting way too hot & staying just below the boiling point at about 180 or 190 degrees. There is very little if any violent chemical reaction between the coffee or tea and the hot water, keeping things safe. :wink: :headshake:
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