Recipe Atholl Brose


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
5:21 AM
  • One bottle of Scotch whisky
  • 10 fluid ounces of double cream
  • 450g of clear honey
  • The whites of six large eggs
  • One handful of fine ground oatmeal

Soak the oatmeal with the Scotch whisky and set aside for 60 minutes

Beat the egg whites until they become stiff. Fold the cream into the egg white mixture. Add the honey.

Sieve the whisky/oatmeal mixture. Blend in the whisky to the egg white/cream/honey mixture at a slow but steady pace.

Pour the liquid into some bottles and set aside for one week. Shake each bottle every day.
I really can't imagine vodka and cream. Well, actually I can...:sick:
Rum could work OK though...

Maybe vodka wouldn't be a good choice after all :laugh:

Rum ?! :eek: I have visions of legions of Scots spinning in their graves

Surely the Scots must have visited the West Indies at some point in their proud existence? :whistling:
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