Recipe Beans and Greens


1 Apr 2016
Local time
12:28 PM
London/Essex border, UK
Beans and Greens
or a take on good, old-fashioned potage.

Beans and Greens.jpg

Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 40-50 minutes
Servings: 1 as a main course, or 2 as a starter


1 tsp olive oil
1 onion, coarsely chopped
1 large carrot, coarsely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
150 g fresh tomatoes, chopped
1 bay leaf
½ tsp fennel seeds
1 sprig thyme
½ tsp crushed, dried chillies
½ a 400 g tin of kidney beans, drained and thoroughly rinsed
Approx. 300 ml hot vegetable stock made with 1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder
100 g greens, finely shredded
Thick slice of bread
Chopped parsley to serve
Grated extra mature cheddar cheese to serve
Salt and pepper to taste


Heat half the olive oil in a large saucepan, and lightly fry the onion, carrot and garlic for about 20 minutes. Add the tomatoes, bay leaf, sprig of thyme, fennel seeds and the chilli, and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the beans with enough stock to cover and simmer for 15 minutes, adding the shredded greens for the last 5 minutes. Season well with salt and pepper, sprinkle the chopped parsley over with a drizzle of the remaining olive oil. Serve with the slice of bread and the grated cheese.


1. The tomatoes must be fresh – do not even think of using tinned chopped tomatoes!
2. You could substitute butter beans or cannellini beans for the kidney beans.
3. I used summer greens, but 100 g of a nice, firm green cabbage would do just as well. The greens need to be slightly crispy when served.
4. I prefer my bread on the side but you could put the slice of bread in the bottom of the bowl and pour the soup over it.
5. I used cheddar cheese, but parmesan or any hard cheese would do.
6. For a more substantial meal, add 2 or 3 quartered, par-boiled potatoes with the tomatoes, or some leftover cooked meat or chicken with the greens.
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This looks like a lovely fresh tasting dish. And it has chillies too! :D
It is quite fragrant, although I must admit the first time I added potatoes I boiled them for about 15 minutes before adding them with the greens and that was a bit of a disappointment. Lightly sautéing them with the tomatoes and the rest of the veggies was much better.
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