

Bullying is a learnt behavior from parents or guardians .. If a parent is bullied, it is copied by the child and children follow in the foot steps of parents, whether, one likes to admit this or not, it is proven ..

Mobbing is dominating but at the work place verses school and maybe handled without the physical abuse ..

Ugly and violent, none the less ..

This tends to happen in large corporations where there is a tremendous amount of competition and some small group want to control a department .. Thus, they use threats and dominating tatics to control the workers in their section .. Or a Manager who is a dictator .. And dictates to those under him or her ..

Mobbing can be a form of sexual harrassement as well .. Where a male boss tries to control and dominate a female worker to go to bed with him ..

Changing Jobs is highly recommended ..

One can also confidentially, contact the President or CEO of a Company to reveal the activities .. The President can then send a consultant to view the department and see what is going on and he or she also could visit the department and view the department´s activities.

This depends on the Company and in 1 case I read about, there was proof of an older case with same boss, so the President was very empathetic to the Young lady complaining and decided to investigate the situation and move the Young lady to his department due to a maternity leave where she was able to substitute for a period of time ..
Bullying is a learnt behavior from parents or guardians .. If a parent is bullied, it is copied by the child and children follow in the foot steps of parents, whether, one likes to admit this or not, it is proven ..

Sometimes perhaps. But I really doubt this is always true. Peer groups exert enormous pressure on young people. Gang culture, which is very real in urban parts of the UK, can encourage young people to behave in ways that may not be something learned from parents.
I think social media has pushed "bullying" to a new level. In the US young people have committed suicide as a result of social media bullying.

Same in the UK. Its terribly sad. But I really don't think this has anything to do with the family background of the 'bullies'. Its a kind of gang culture facilitated or perhaps amplified by social media.
My wife is a schoolteacher. In schools in the US, they are very serious about bullying when I comes to children. But, there’s not really much attention given to adults. As it turns out, for several years, my wife was the subject of bullying by other teachers. It’s really pretty horrifying to think that such I think it happened, but I did. Unfortunately, the only thing that ended it was when one teacher finally decide to retire. She was the ringleader, and for whatever reason she just never liked my wife. She was the one who made the schedule for the school, and she always gave my wife the worst kids. She also gave her friends all the easy schedules.

Now, they have people who are more serious about such things. They have an actual human resources department, which shockingly they never had before. I work at Ford Motor Company, where this sort of behavior would absolutely never be tolerated. But, that’s not always the way it is everywhere.
@The Late Night Gourmet
Before I retired I worked with a young woman who's favorite topic of conversation was her sex life - in graphic detail. I found it very inappropriate and offences. I reported her to Human Resources. Nothing was done. I finally had enough and told here that I did not appreciate her "slutty talk". She reported me to Human Resources. She said that I called her a slut. (She was worse than a slut - not the point) I was called in and received a write up for using offensive language.:hyper:
@The Late Night Gourmet
Before I retired I worked with a young woman who's favorite topic of conversation was her sex life - in graphic detail. I found it very inappropriate and offences. I reported her to Human Resources. Nothing was done. I finally had enough and told here that I did not appreciate her "slutty talk". She reported me to Human Resources. She said that I called her a slut. (She was worse than a slut - not the point) I was called in and received a write up for using offensive language.:hyper:

Amazing ignorance .. There is a huge difference between "slutty talk " and being called " a slut " ..
People bully out of fear, ignorance and jealousy. Lest's face it, cyber bullying is easy as so many people live their lives online.

My ignorance is showing here as I fail to understand something. A teenager kills themself over cyber bullying, why don't they just close their account? Block unwanted responders? Go off line for a while? I can be completely offline for a week or more, why can't other people? Don't get me wrong, I am not attacking anyone who is bullied/takes their own life, I am just trying to understand why people let it carry on instead of stopping it when the problems first arise.
An excellent question but a difficult one to answer. First young people do not have the maturity to make that kind of logical decision. Secondly the bullying frequently involves photos or videos of some indiscretion or act of stupidity that goes viral on social media. Sometimes the bullying is very subtle. Disguised as advice from a caring friend, encouraging the victim to end it all. The victims frequently suffer from depression, social anxiety or low self esteem. There have been several instances where the victims were homosexual and had not come to grips with their sexuality - living "in the closet".

A very sad comment on our so called "enlightened" society.

It all makes me sad.
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