California Wine

Katie Cha

10 Mar 2014
Local time
11:56 PM
Have any of you tried California wine? There's this "wine guy" (as me and my boyfriend call him) at HEB who gives us information and tips on selecting wine. I tried Angeline California Pinot Noir, and I have to say it was very good. It went great with our whole wheat spaghetti and turkey meatballs that I made at home :).
Hmm.. to be honest I don't think I've ever tried wine that comes from the USA. I live in Europe so the selection of wines from southern Europe is obviously excellent and I also enjoy quite a few ones from South America.
Yes. But in general, I'm not keen or rather, there is better quality and better value for money from elsewhere.

The problem California has in Europe is that shed loads of the cheap stuff (and generally higher sugar levels) is sold and there are plenty of customers for the top end kit coming out of Napa/Sonoma but there is very little in the middle ground. And much competition. Extremely high levels of taxation in Ireland, UK and Scandinavia do not help.

If you are in the US, anything from Wente usually offers good quality at reasonable prices.
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