Recipe Carrot Halwa


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:04 PM
SE Australia
I thought I would add a carrot sweet/dessert to the weird and wonderful recipes that we are all going to give @classic33 for the CookingBites Recipe Challenge. So here is Carrot Halwa, a traditional Indian dessert. It is meant to be sweet, and it is meant to be very sweet, probably too sweet for my taste, so I would know out some of the sugar to be honest. I have also included some vegan options as well.
The recipe is derived from, but is not the same as the one that can be found on Veg Recipes Of India.

  • 4 tbsp ghee/clarified butter/coconut oil
  • 5 to 6 green/black cardamom pods/chotti elachi, (or ⅓ tsp cardamom powder)
  • 8 to 9 medium tender large carrots grated (roughly 4 to 4.5 cups)
  • 4 cups full fat milk/coconut mil/almond milk
  • a pinch of saffron strands(optional)
  • 10 to 12 tbsp unrefined cane sugar (or less if required to taste)
  • 20-25 whole cashews
  • handful of pistachio nuts, roughly chopped
  • handful of raisins

  1. Extract the seeds from the cardamom pods and pound them to a fine powder in a pestle and mortar (or cheat with a coffee grinder :whistling:)
  2. Wash, then grate the carrots (finely grated will cook quicker).
  3. In a deep, thick bottomed pan heat the oil before adding the ground cardamom.
  4. Fry for a few moments, then add the carrots and stir to mix thoroughly.
  5. Over a low heat, add the milk and bring the whole mixture to a boil and then allow to simmer.
  6. Stir periodically until the liquid has reduced by 75%,
  7. Once the liquid has reduced by 75%, add sugar and saffron (if using) to the mixture.
  8. Stir well and continue to simmer over a low flame. Remember to stir regularly..
  9. When the mixture is almost totally try add the cashews, pistachios and raisins.
  10. Simmer until all the milk has evaporated off. You should be able to draw a wooden spoon through the mixture and there be no milk in the bottom of the pan.
  11. Serve hot or cold. It will keep in the fridge for 3-4 days.
Image from here

I'd say it was too sweet for my taste too. Indians do like sweet desserts! Its a funny thing really. We all love curry's here in the UK and it is part of are national cuisine (thanks to the Raj). But the desserts have never really caught on. I mean, they don't usually even serve them in Indian restaurants here. It was a bit the same when I lived in Egypt. Fantastic savoury dishes but jaw-achingly sweet desserts and pastries!
I don't mind sweet although I should, but my sweet in most recipes has to be cut back. Too sweet is a big turn off, but just sweet enough is fine. I like this recipe.
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