Recipe Carrot salad

We call it jelly here as well. Good for kids parties. I remember watching American programmes and kids eating peanut butter and jelly sammys. I was about 9 or 10 I guess and we had left over jelly in the fridge. I made a peanut butter and jelly sammy. It was revolting, it wasn't until years later I realised the jelly was actually jam. I now make it with raspberry jam now. Lol.

Lol, rascal. PB and Js (peanut butter and jelly, er, jam sandwiches) are the absolute most basic, ubiquitous, and most enjoyed simple treat in almost every American household, save those with allergies.
I remember having PB and J on Saltine crackers for lunch when I was a kid, and then again having them for dessert on another night. Savoury, sweet, and salty.
But getting back to carrot salad, I really like Herbie's recipe with the popping mustard seeds.

Oh, I forgot. I abhor savoury Jello salads, even veggie ones. Aspic in its pure form is like cat food to me.
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