Chilli lovers?


Forum GOD!
18 Mar 2018
Local time
1:09 PM
Christchurch New Zealand
Picking daily red and green chillies, I'm deseeding half and freezing as I go. These are mainly for Thai and Indian dishes I make. Wife grows I do the rest. These are all grown from seeds I grow. Jalapeños pablano and about 6 other types. Also capsicums as well.


Nice chillis, big respect. I was a hot eater from age 14 to 19, where I did eat all kinds of different hot things, then I lost my teenage spirit to compete with other people, while shedding a lot of sweat and experiencing a lot of pain. Now I don't eat hot things anymore and when I eat it, I want to enjoy it with the other flavors in balance. Stay healthy
We have some. I planted a lot of green chillies, a large sized mildly hot one, and the plants are dying now after one harvest.
However the naga chillies are still there. They usually live much longer than green chillies, and are much much hotter.
We have some. I planted a lot of green chillies, a large sized mildly hot one, and the plants are dying now after one harvest.
However the naga chillies are still there. They usually live much longer than green chillies, and are much much hotter.

One of my favourite chillies!
I am partially of Indonesian descent, but not from an island that uses a lot of heat for it's food. My ancestors were from Sumatra, a relatively coconut based island where mostly mild chillies are used or things are mellowed out by using coconut. I like my spices but not the super hot ones like ghost peppers (naga chillies) or scorpion peppers and the like. I do like rawits (small Indonesian chillies, very hot but also flavor bombs) and lomboks.

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