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Christmas pudding help!!


Well-Known Member
17 Nov 2019
Local time
10:26 PM
I have made 5 Xmas pudding today and they are on the hob steaming. The recipe suggests steaming for 3.5 hours then a further 3.5 on Xmas day. The problem is, I forgot to cover the pans for the first 1.5 hours of steaming. Should I increase the steam time by an hour or more or don’t worry about it? Any help or suggestions will be really apreciated.
Hi Timsta and welcome to CookingBites. If you want to stick around on our forum you are very welcome. We love new members!

I really wouldn't worry too much - the 3.5 hr cooking will ensure they are cooked - in fact I doubt they need as much as a further 3.5 hrs on Christmas day.
Thanks for your response. They have just come off after 4 hours and the internal temp is 190F (90C) so they are certainly cooked. how long would you steam them for on Xmas day? 2 hours?
One set are 1.2 litre (2 pint) the other set are 1litre.
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