Cinnamon and Clove Tea


14 Oct 2013
Local time
12:56 AM
Something that I enjoy drinking during my mornings is cinnamon and clove tea. Cinnamon has many benefits including:
  • fighting against fungal infections
  • improve lipid and glucose levels for those who have type 2 diabetes
  • lower effects of fatty meals
There are probably other benefits but these are what effect me and my family the most. I take a stick of cinnamon and a small clove and let the 2 boil until the water colour changes to a beautiful brown. It tastes really great and 100% vegetarian friendly! I find that it helps when I'm sick as well when I add a bit of ginger.
I would take cinnamon supplements so I could get some blood sugar regulation. I had too many highs or lows when my diet was horrible. Now I don't take them anymore, but make sure to manage my diet better. This is a great tea! Sounds affordable and the ginger is great for upset stomachs!
Sounds lovely! I really enjoy tea and this sounds like a great new flavor. I've also heard that cinnamon improves memory, but that was from 15 year old girls munching cinnamon mints before midterms back in high school, so uh...Perhaps not the most reliable source.
I have not tried adding clove to cinnamon for making tea. I do make my own ginger tea, but I never thought of mixing cinnamon and ginger. After reading your post I tried this and it tasted better than I thought it would. Now I shall regularly enjoy drinking ginger and cinnamon tea, because I like how the cinnamon adds sweetness to the ginger.
I learned to make a good masala chai with similar ingredients while I was in India.

All you need is some strong black tea, a few cloves, a cinnamon stick, a pinch of dried ginger powder, a few black peppercorns, a few dried green cardamoms and some star anise. Just boil everything together for at least 20 minutes and then strain and add milk and sugar to taste (I prefer either molasses or brown sugar as it brings out the rich spicy taste even more!).

It's a wonderful cure-all and I often make it for my family when someone has caught a cold.
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