Clan reunion


28 May 2015
Local time
11:12 AM
Whenever we would have a clan reunion, that is normally held in the province, the standard policy is pot luck or bring your own dish. Since we live far from the province that is 3 hours drive, we just send money for my cousin to buy a whole roasted pig that would be good contribution since it is big deal in gatherings. And aside from that, we would also bring cupcakes and other pastries since people in the province love that.
It sounds like a fun occasion with lots of delicious food! We have never had a family reunion or anything like that since everyone lives quite close to one another but I think it's a lovely idea to have get togethers!
Family reunions are the best. Not only do you get to reconnect with family you haven't seen in awhile, you also get to taste some awesome food. There is usually lots of it and a huge variety from main dishes to awesome desserts. Everybody brings a dish. By the end of the day there is usually plenty of leftovers to bring home and enjoy.
My family gets a whole pig too! We also do potlucks but some of the stuff that is brought is purchased at the store.
I usually bring a casserole of some kind. I think more people are likely to eat a casserole out of curiosity because you
can't always tell what's inside. The ones that I make usually look delicious, kid friendly (not too many veggies) and have
a ton of melted cheese on top. How can you say no to cheese? :p
i love whole pork roasts done outside on a spit ,floury baps apple sauce ,pork fat stuffing,potato salad ,its a top way of feeding a lot of people ,i always get the pigs put on the spit by a expert its a bit of a skill to get it done right ,i have done it but with varying results
Yup my clan reunions are the same as yours. Some rich aunt or uncle usually brings a full lechon (roasted suckling pig) or lechon baka (roasted cow-- same thing but with beef). Everyone brings something from each family like a bucket of cooked rice or banana leaves. Some people have their own cuisines so they bring lasangna, beef curry or sisig. You can tell what the family's tastes are by the food they eat and the plates they bring with them.
That sounds like such fun you have there. A whole roast pig? Awesome. In my country when we have such family reunions we cook up a whole goat or two. My favorite parts are the insides.:happy:
I would like to take advantage of these big family gatherings because this will give me the opportunity to watch my relatives in action. I want to learn their own secret family recipe. Not every family has their own traditional meal or secret recipe and I am glad that my family has some of those best kept cooking secrets. Although some relatives will have a different take on the original
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