Clover tea


2 Aug 2015
Local time
6:17 PM
Virginia, USA
The night before last when i was looking for tape to wrap some Christmas gifts, I found some old fashioned cookbooks with recpes from the last century and before.. I haven't looked at for a long time. I put them in the cookbook section of my pantry so now I will have easy access to them...anyway...I digress..I found a recipe for clover tea. Apparently you can make tea out of the entire clover after drying it...There was also the recipe for dandelion wine in their too. Did you know you could make tea out of clover? Next time I run across a field of clover maybe I will experiment.
I want to do a 'Wynter' cleaning at some point and I am sure I'll come across some old 'lost' cookbooks as well. I've never heard of Clover tea but nothing in the kitchen surprises me anymore.
Never knew that! I wonder what it'd taste like...I don't know that I'd enjoy it too much!

Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of tea -- but the ones that are really herbal or 'grassy' tasting aren't ones that I care for a lot!
My mom used to make dandelion wine many years ago. ☺
I am not aware that you can make tea from clover. I had tried Chrysanthemum tea though. I loved it but I am not sure if you can find it in any grocery store. According to this Korean lady it is a family recipe, and they are selling it on weekend markets.
I am a great fan of clovers. I even have it around my neck on my picture here. :) But, I am not aware that I have heard anyone made or consumed a tea made from clover. I know about dandelions, and people make tea from them, but for clover this is all new to me. I will try to ask my mum or granny since they would probably know more about that. Also, I now wonder what is that tea for, like does it cure headache, or maybe stomachache, or such.
I am not sure about that. Hi Maya...nice to see you here. I have a book of herbal cures maybe I will look to see what they have to say about clover. I know that oil of clover can be put on teeth for toothaches...but I think the oil might be from some other kind of clover not the stuff that grows in grass. The tea I am talking about is from clover you find in grass.
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