Cocktails - Your all-time favorites


11 Sep 2014
Local time
9:19 AM
May they be alcoholic beverages or not, everyone usually enjoys being treated to a cocktail (or more) once in a while, when going out or having friends over for instance. What are those you usually settle for?
Those I order (or make) the more frequently include Irish coffee's (hot coffee, whiskey and sugar topped with whipped cream - especially in winter), B 52's (Kahlua, Bailey's and Grand Marnier) and the well known Sex on the beach (vodka, peach schnapps, orange juice and cranberry juice).
Anything with chocolate. Does that count as a cocktail? Vodka mudslide, Bailey's? Oh, and we're in the -ber months right now, so I'm so looking forward to eggnog!
Rum & eggnog!! I can't think of anything else as I'm not much of a cocktail drinker or of any alcoholic drink. I do like my rare once a year fall occasion where we try out the fall drinks.
Vodka Mudslide is really good. I could barely taste the alcohol because of the chocolate was rich. My favorite would be Sex on The Beach. I like the fruity taste that it has. It honestly does not taste like an alcohol beverage to me, it taste more like Kool-aid.
Mine is very simple which is gin and soda. I haven't really been able to experiment that much because I honestly don't really drink that often, but gin and soda is good enough for me. I do order the mixes at bars when I go out though but I never know what's in them, and it's pretty much hit or miss whenever I venture out, so I mostly just stick with gin and Sprite when I'm at home.
I drink quite a bit, but I mainly stick to Vodka and Soda or Rum and Cola. If I am drinking Rum, it's got to be with Cola or Ginger Ale, I don't like it straight up or with plain Soda Water. With Vodka on the other hand, I like it with a lot of different stuff but usually stick with diet cola or ginger ale too, but occasionally just plain soda water with a twist of fruit.

If it is a really good dark rum, like Mount Gay Eclipse or Brugal Extra Viejo, I will make it a point to stock up on some of the Pepsi or Coke made with real sugar. Screw the calories, but I cannot bring myself to pair such good rums with corn-syrup based pop. I also think it's a tragedy to drown these out with stuff like Ice Cream to cover up their flavors. They pair so beautifully with cola and a squeeze of fresh lime. A Cuba Libre is a classic. Plus, the Mount Gay Eclipse in particular smells heavenly right out of the bottle, like a sweet musky woodsy cologne, and it blends in a little too well with the cola flavors, that unless you pour a strong drink, you may not notice the alcohol at all.

A Negroni is a wonderful after dinner drink which I will often have in place of desert (I'm not a sweets person, really). It's basically got a really bitter orange flavor profile. Some people love them while others may not like them at all. They are made with Sweet vermouth, Campari, and Gin with an orange slice.

For something sweeter and very aromatic, try ordering a Grand Marnier warmed. Some restaurants even have special holders that will prop the snifter glass at an angle over a tea candle to keep it warm. Your whole table will be scented with orange liquer.
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