Coffee: fresh or instant?


5 Apr 2014
Local time
7:41 AM
I don't drink a lot of coffee, but I do enjoy it on a weekend when I am at home. I used to drink a lot of fresh coffee but I haven't had any equipment to make it with for a little while. I really miss that fresh coffee smell and taste! Recently, I have recently discovered a type of coffee called Azeera which is instant, but has all the characteristics and taste of a barista style coffee. It's absolutely delicious and does not taste like instant coffee AT ALL.I am delighted with my find! I still plan to buy a grinder and a cafetiere at some point, because I like to try different coffees from around the world, but for now, my Azeera is bridging the gap very nicely.

Do you drink instant coffee, or are you a lover of fresh coffee? If fresh, what type of beans are your favourite?
I drink both, as I'm not really that much of a coffee fan anyway, but I do still have some favorite brands when it comes to instant coffee. I'm less picky when it comes to brewed coffee, which probably sounds odd, but I can taste the difference in instant coffee a lot more than in brewed ones.
I'm not a coffee drinker at all. I hate the smell of any coffee. I do drink cappuccino though. Hot brewed or iced are both good versions of cappuccino.
I am actually not fond of drinking coffee.
Very seldom that I would drink coffee and if I do, I prefer ready mix or 3-in-1 type of coffees. I do not like the plain coffee and freshly brewed coffee.
I drink both, as I'm not really that much of a coffee fan anyway, but I do still have some favorite brands when it comes to instant coffee. I'm less picky when it comes to brewed coffee, which probably sounds odd, but I can taste the difference in instant coffee a lot more than in brewed ones.

Oh yes, definitely - so can I. Some of the cheaper instant coffee is absolutely vile. And so weak that you need three tablespoons just to give the drink a bit of colour once you've got the milk in!
I like drinking both, but I'm generally more of an instant person - primarily because I don't have a lot of time to brew my own coffee, and because I like to experiment with different coffee "brands," and find out which brand suits the mood I'm in, haha. It's a hobby of mine whenever I'm bored, and this is what I always do during my free time at school. I buy any coffee-flavored drink around the campus and compare them with my tastes, haha.

But when it comes to actual coffee, I'm really more of an instant person because of my schedule. If I had the time and the money, I'd really brew my own coffee.
I drink fresh coffee most often. I don't stick to a certain roast or brand but I do tend to like dark roasts best. I only ever drink instant at work because Starbuck's instant coffee is way better than the crap they make at my work lol.
Oh yes, definitely - so can I. Some of the cheaper instant coffee is absolutely vile. And so weak that you need three tablespoons just to give the drink a bit of colour once you've got the milk in!
True that! I've tasted some cheap ones in my lifetime as well, and some of them were pretty terrible. To be fair, I've also gotten to taste some cheap ones that tasted pretty good too. I personally take my coffee black, though, so it's a lot harder to disguise the terrible coffee taste with me since there's no milk to cover it up.
The only coffee I can take black in an Espress, and even then I only have one very occasionally if I need a mega caffeine hit.
I only drink coffee if black tea is not available and even then I reluctantly drink it. In my current coffee drinking pattern, and especially if I drank it often, I always go for fresh coffee--NEVER instant because I have heard many people tell me that instant just isn't good and it isn't worth the convenience.
In my opinion, fresh is always better. Nothing should be instant unless you are in a rush that day. Always try to go fresh! It's the best flavor hands down.
I tried drinking instant just because I didn't have a coffee pot and I needed some caffeine. Worse mistake ever. The flavor is okay, after I doubled the amount. I like strong coffee. But it tore my stomach up. So I went back to the regular amount in the water and it still tore me up. So I gave in and got a coffee pot and started making fresh coffee and my stomach was fine. I think I may have an allergy to something in the instant coffee.
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