Do you keep your eggs refrigerated?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
9:01 AM
I have always kept my eggs refrigerated since I figured it was safer. However, I have a friend who says that she does not keep her eggs in the fridge. I don't know how long they will last if kept at room temperature. I suppose if they were eaten regularly then it would not matter too much, since they would be used up quickly. However, I do not think it is a good idea to keep them out of the fridge if they are kept for more than a week.

How do you normally store your eggs, and do you think it makes a difference?
I store them in the fridge but I don't think it really matters all that much. I only say that because when I travel, I've noticed that many countries it's not common to refrigerate your eggs. Also, my boyfriend has chickens and the eggs just sit out in the coop until he decides to go get them so I don't think it really matters!
On the UK eggs are not sold from fridges and are but expected to be stored in fridges. I routinely eat ducks eggs that are anything up to 2 weeks old that have not been refrigerated. I have also never suffered from food poisoning.
I keep them in the fridge, or somewhere cool. You don't need to keep them in the fridge as some shops sell them in the fridge area and others don't. I prefer the fridge because they are fragile and are less likely to get broken in the fridge. However, I was on holiday in an apartment and they filled the fridge for us, but the temperature was so high it cracked all the eggs.
I do because I think it keeps them fresher longer, although I am not concerned about them spoiling in any short amount of time outside the fridge. I know many people around the world do not refrigerate the eggs, so I think it's fine as long as you are going to get through them in a few days or so. I tend to take much longer to finish a dozen, so I need to refrigerate them.
Apparently because egg shells are porous they absorb smells etc from other things in your fridge so best not to put them in, we keep ours in the cupboard furthest away from the cooker so they are kept cool.
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