Do you like sea urchin?


20 Dec 2013
Local time
2:22 AM
I recently went to Baja California, Mexico. At a street stall I tried a sea urchin taco: sea urchin, tomato, chile and avocado. It was one of the most delicious dishes I have ever eaten.
No i havent had the chance to try sea urchins but over here in malaysia, 'gamat' (pronounced as 'ga' 'mud') or sea cucumber is very popular and is believed to have medicinal value.
No, I can actually recall being put off eating dinner as a kid when I visited my maternal grandparent's house and they had sea urchin on the table. I know it's silly and childish but there are just some foods, I can't even stand to look at, while there may be other foods that don't gross me out in the slightest but that other people would find difficult to eat.
I have had UNI (a sea urchin paste or eggs or something) on sushi. It has truly put me off of ever considering sea urchin. Seeing this post here makes me wonder if the UNI I had just was a bad dish rather than bad in general. I would have to see the reactions of others before I attempted this again.
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