Egg Salad! I have never been able to find one I like. Help, please?

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  • A well-made potato salad?

  • A well-made egg salad?

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27 Nov 2015
Local time
11:24 PM
Ontario, Canada
Hello Cooking BItes, friends! Hope everyone is faring well. :)

Does anyone happen to have a recipe for an egg salad that is yolk-less, and that might feature a less 'creamy' dressing than most do (even, and almost preferably, would anyone know of a vinegarette that could be used on an egg salad?)

I do like eggs, but have never been a fan of egg salads for the two above reasons. Soft cooked (runny) and hard boiled yolks both are still having issues climbing up my 'preferred foods'-list, lol. I'm ok with scrambled yolks, fried eggs yolks, but it's all still a work in progress, I suppose.

I understand that apparently, a well-made egg salad can be like a gift from god, and that also, it can be a very healthy thing for a person. I just finally got in to potato salads a few years back (creamy dressings and everything, hehe... went with vinegarettes for a while, even) and now I'd really like to open some doors for myself regarding the legendary EGG SALAD!

If anyone has any ideas, tips, sercrets, or recipes to share, I would love to like to hear them very much!

Thank you, fellow-foodies!

If you plan on discarding the egg yolks (though they are full of nutrients, and I wouldn't see why anyone would want to do so) you could simply over cook your hard boiled eggs if you are worried about the whites being too soft and runny. Mayo is pretty much a standard ingredient in egg salad, though if you don't care for the taste of it, you might want to try out a vegan mayo. They are still creamy, but are generally milder in taste overall. They come in several different varieties, but I personally like the ones made from grapeseed oil.

Another idea, though it's still technically a "creamy" dressing might be to dress the egg whites with a "boiled dressing". It's made with the egg yolks, and I believe vinegar and sugar, and some other ingredients. They're added to a pot and brought to a boil stirring constantly until the yolk is cooked into the sauce. What you're left with is basically a custard like sweet and sour vinaigrette. It's a common Amish recipe I believe and you shouldn't have much trouble finding recipes for it if you do a search for "boiled dressing".

Or you could just skip the whites all together and maybe make the boiled dressing and perhaps toss it with some crunchy vegetables like red onion, celery, and relish. I've never tried that though.
Very interesting, OhioTom76, and thanks for replying. I know, it's silly that I can't stomach runny or completely cooked egg yolks. But, I wouldn't eat cheese or yogurt until I was about 18, so hey... I've got some breathing room. :wink:

I really like your 'boiled dressing' idea. As well, I find it neat, that it's an Amish thing. They are smart, resourceful people, that (plainly put), don't screw around. Will do some Googling! It makes sense to me, the yolks would become part of a very decadent dressing, I think.

Thank you, very much. :)

Very interesting, OhioTom76, and thanks for replying. I know, it's silly that I can't stomach runny or completely cooked egg yolks. But, I wouldn't eat cheese or yogurt until I was about 18, so hey... I've got some breathing room. :wink:

I really like your 'boiled dressing' idea. As well, I find it neat, that it's an Amish thing. They are smart, resourceful people, that (plainly put), don't screw around. Will do some Googling! It makes sense to me, the yolks would become part of a very decadent dressing, I think.

Thank you, very much. :)

Vegan mayo, also. Have never tried it, but am now quite curious! :wink: Unsure about being able to find it in a small town like the one I reside in, but am going to start looking!
I love egg salads. However, if you are not a fan of the cooked egg option or looking for a healthier version, perhaps you can try going fake out egg salad i.e. tofu "egg salad". You can find many recipes on Pinterest for a variety of options on preparing a tofu version or simply an actual egg salad.

Here is a tofu style egg salad recipe

I have never tried an egg salad with a vinegarette, but my suggestion is try using your favorite salad dressing.
I like the idea of using a favorite salad dressing, as well. I think I'll give that a try first perhaps, and I just stocked up on eggs. Will let everyone know how it turns out!
We hate to waste food so our egg salad is the whole egg including the yolk. We usually make egg salad when we are in a hurry but needing nutritional food. With the morning bread called pandesal, the egg salad is a good match. It is very simple to make. After boiling 4 eggs, slice them and mix with mayonnaise and pickle relish. Add a dash of salt as desired. Sometimes we include lettuce in the pandesal (made into sandwich) to make it more nutritious.
I think the yolk is what I love about an egg salad sandwich. If you are not fond of the yolk or want to reduce your cholesterol intake and want a less creamy version you could try this one. You would still get the flavour of an egg salad without eating the yolk. If you really don't want it creamy cut back on the mayonnaise.

If you want to try one without yolk and mayonnaise I just found a recipe that uses cottage cheese. I would also add pickle relish or green onions to add more flavour.
My family makes egg-salads this way:

Hard boil about 10 eggs, then slice them and break them with a fork.
Add salt, pepper to taste.

mayonnaise, mustard and sour cream (a lot) until it has the thickness you want.
I like it with more mustard but it's really depends on the taste.
My egg salad is simple: Hard boiled egg, mash them with a fork and then add mayonnaise and salt/pepper to taste. I make a sandwich out of it of course but that's it. I use hard boiled eggs in potato salad as well. Essentially the same thing except I add boiled potatoes and onions. I'll put the finely chopped onion at the bottom of the bowl and then add the still-hot boiled potatoes on top so the onion can soften a bit. Once the potatoes and hard boiled eggs are cooled, I rough chop the eggs and add them to the bowl then add the mayonnaise. I only add a bit at a time so that I don't put in too much of it. When I think there's enough I taste, if I need to add more I do. Then salt and pepper to taste of course.

I know a few people who add relish to their potato salad. I, personally, didn't like the taste of it but to each their own!
Well I'm not a fan of Mayo. In fact I have a bit of an odd reaction to it plus it has too many calories for my liking. But I love eggs and egg salad. I make a dressing from Greek style yoghurt and Dijon mustard. Its thick and creamy with a fraction of the calories. Sometimes I season it with tarragon (which works brilliantly with eggs) and sometimes I add some chopped anchovies. But then there is always the magnificent Salad Nicoise! One of my favourites.
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