Flavored Rice Dishes And Recipes


14 Mar 2014
Local time
3:19 PM
I'm going through a phase of obsession over flavored rice and have been trying out different recipes and even instant mixes as well as researching some new ones online. I've since then discovered Jambalaya and am about to try that out next and have so far already tried Mexican rice and Spanish rice. Any other similar dishes you guys could recommend that I should look up?
I love rice, love it. One of my favorites is garlic rice with pork'n'gravy over it. You cook the rice in boullion and then add olive oil and garlic powder and pepper. Then you cook up a pork chop and cut it up, sautee onions and mushrooms, and cook it in a brown gravy which you pour over rice. Try making a nice stir fry and putting it over rice. You can do the same with Gumbo (which doesn't have to be seafood). I also melt some cheese and butter and mix it in the rice along with garlic and pepper again. I cook up some fish and put it on top, usually cat fish seasoned with lemon pepper, seasoned salt/pepper. I know it isn't healthy, but it tastes good.
I am also big on rice and I love the Spanish or Mexican rices as well as a few of the other flavored ones. Pilaf and wild rice are biggies. I eat brown rice and I have a lot of fun jazzing it up with what ever I have in the fridge. Be creative and have fun!
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