Food to prepare for a field trip?


21 Feb 2014
Local time
11:20 AM
Hey guys! I am assigned to prepare food for 300 people for a field trip! I need some suggestions on what food I should prepare for them that is fast and easy to make.

Can you guys please recommend affordable meal options? I want something that would get them full and something delicious that they would enjoy.

Any suggestion or idea will truly help. Easy and fast recipes would help even more.

Thank you so much :)
A bit more info could be useful.
Adults or kids?
Any ingredients which you shouldn't use?
How will it be served, does it have to be transported etc?

Some kind of a soup might be great, usually quite easy to make especially when we are talking about large quantities. But obviously this option has it's limits when it comes to the serving and transporting part.
A bit more info could be useful.
Adults or kids?
Any ingredients which you shouldn't use?
How will it be served, does it have to be transported etc?

Some kind of a soup might be great, usually quite easy to make especially when we are talking about large quantities. But obviously this option has it's limits when it comes to the serving and transporting part.

It's actually a field trip for adults, and they will not be having their meals on the road. We'll stop over somewhere and have our meals there. Any ingredients are fine and it could be served in any way, but it would be most convenient if it could be placed in disposable plates and we could use disposable utensils.

Thanks for the idea of soup! I'll see if we could work with that.
Are you going to be able to heat or reheat these items somehow? Or does it all have to be packed and served cold?

A few things that came to mind:

- Some sort of hearty pasta salad with stuff like marinated artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers & olives. Or similarly, you could get some loaves of a crusty french bread and make some large veggie sandwiches with these ingredients along with some cheeses to act as barriers to keep the bread from going soggy. They would be easy to transport, then you would just need to cut them up when ready to serve, perhaps put a decorated toothpick in each one to hold them in place. A "Mufaletta" is a similar type of sandwich that is made in a hollowed out bread loaf, loaded up with meats and cheeses and olive tapenade, pickled veggies and other stuff.

- Make up some batches of grilled chicken sliced into strips, and put some on pre made salads and/or some in pre-made wraps.

- Crock pot friendly meals if you have access to some outlets and some microwaves. Like some taco meat fillings along with a make your own taco bar. Or turkey meatballs in sauce to make your own turkey meatball sandwiches. You would probably need to re-heat them in the microwaves first, then keep them warm in the crock pots. It would take too long to reheat them in a crock pot alone.
I have prepared food for a field trip before! Not for 300 people! But for 7 or 8.
The thing you should keep in mind is: nothing too perishable and things you could eat anywhere (and wouldn't require heating, specially for 300 people!). I would suggest sandwiches made with cheese and boiled eggs, maybe a veggie sandwich is also a good idea (lettice, carrots, tomatoes and cheese). Salads are also good. Spinach and bacon is awesome! Penne pasta salad is also a good call. Crackers and hummus are also delicious!
For desert, cookies or brownies always work. Have fun!!
Thank you for the advice guys! I really appreciate it for putting your time and effort into giving me suggestions.

I will look into all of these suggestions and figure out which is best for the people. They're very good suggestions, as a matter of fact. I might just stick to sandwiches which I can easily wrap into napkins so people can just simply throw them away. I just got to finalize what we'll put inside these sandwiches and I have to figure out costings, as well.

Thanks again! It really means a lot.
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