From Ice Cream to Fruit


10 Feb 2015
Local time
3:49 PM
Currently living in South East Asia
If I were to say that I am 100% in shape with no need of searching for xl t-shirts, I would be telling a lie, but I am walking everyday for about an hour and on my way home I stop at one of the local markets for fruit. I have a horrendous sweet tooth that rarely lets up, but now I am buying fruits, cutting them up and adding lime juice (keeps the colors from changing) and honey. I mix it all up and put it in the refrigerator to keep them cool. Now, when I have an urge for ice cream I hit the fruit instead.
Awesome stuff richnonai, I commend you for tackling your sweet tooth issue with a healthy alternative! I am very sure that you will be able to get in shape sooner than you think if you keep this up! Remember to also hydrate and also chomp on those fruits raw as well. All the best.
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