Recipe Gingered Pumpkin and Apple Soup


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:59 PM
SE Australia
As requested by @Rosyrain here is my Pumpkin and Apple Soup. It is actually a vegan recipe, but I have added the butter/milk options in for people...:whistling:
I say mine, but it is not, it is from a vegetarian soup book I have had for decades now. I think I purchased it back in 1994 which just goes to show how good it was even then despite being in American measurements :)unsure: & :scratchhead:) and I still cook from it even today! I also remember the learning curve I had at the time because the internet was not really in existence, it was just starting, as were computers.... a 386 was considered good, a 486 state of the art! Anyhow, the learning curve was that I had never heard of things like Great Northern Beans or cilantro and finding out what they were back then, was much harder than it is now! It had never actually occurred to me at the point in my life that other countries had different measurement systems or called every day items by different names (Great Northern Beans are Butter Beans, and cilantro is fresh coriander).

The original recipe states a 1Lb tin of unsweetened pumpkin puree, but I have never been one for tinned anything so use a fresh squash or pumpkin and puree it before adding to the recipe - there is no harm in a few pumpkin lumps either! It is also one of those recipes that improves with standing... overnight preferably, but that is for you next meal! It is around 6 servings, more if you like your soup thinner or have simply used the entire fresh pumpkin rather than stopping at 1Lb.... :thankyou:

2tbs marg/butter or veg oil
1 large onion, finely chopped
2 stalks celery, finely chopped
2 medium sized baking apples (tart apples), peeled, cored and diced.
1L veg stock ( or water)
1lb pureed pumpkin/squash of your choice.
2tsp grated fresh ginger
2tsp curry powder or garam masala
1tsp ground cinnamon
1/2tsp ground nutmeg
500ml milk/dairy free milk
Roughly chopped flaked almonds/cashew nuts for a garnish.
A sprig or two of parsley or fresh coriander.

Heat the oil in a suitable casserole bowl or large pan, and sauté the onion and celery for a few minutes until golden.
Add the apples, veg stock, pumpkin puree, ginger, garam masala, cinnamon and nutmeg and bring to the boil. Simmer for 35-45 minutes over a low heat.
Stir in some of the milk until you have the consistency you want! Yep, this is your choice... if you want a thick soup, add less, and.... well you know how to do this.
Season to taste.

Now the hard part. If you can, leave the soup overnight and reheat tomorrow! Alternatively enjoy it now, and have another attempt tomorrow to see how the flavour has changed! :D
Reheat thoroughly, and add the flaked almonds/cashews & the grennery as a garnish before :soup: and enjoying.

Oh and get yourself a nice good dunking bread. Something like a freshly baked harvest loaf with seeds in it and that old fashioned taste.
That looks so good. I will have to bookmark this recipe for squash season. We get butternut squash from family who grow them so this looks like it would be absolutely lovely.
Thank you SatNav, I appreciate you sharing the recipe. I am going to try and make this soup tomorrow night if I can get to the store to grab the ingredients. It will be canned pumpkin puree for me, but that is ok.
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