Recipe Goat's Cheese and Stone Fruit Tarts, Two Ways.

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
12:35 PM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I had the idea of making individual goats' cheese and stone-fruit tarts but couldn't decide whether to use nectarines or plums or whether to use tarragon or lavender. So I decided to mix and match and make both. Its important to use a sweet plum for this recipe. Sour plums don't work with goat's cheese! Serves 4 as a starter.


Photographed yesterday in natural light


Shortcrust pastry made from 250g plain flour and 150g butter (or use ready-made).
1 plum, halved, stones removed
1 nectarine, halved, stone removed
1 tbsp honey
100 g goat's cheese
2 eggs
100 ml single cream
1/2 tsp dried lavender
2 tsp chopped tarragon

  • Preheat oven to 180°C (360°F). Line 4 x lightly greased small tart tins with pastry. Bake blind for 10 minutes (I use cling-film to line the pastry cases, filled with baking beans).
  • Remove the baking beans and return to the oven for 5 minutes.
  • Divide the goat’s cheese and fruit between the cases. If necessary, slice a piece from the base of each fruit half to ensure it fits flush with the pastry edge. Drizzle a little honey over the fruit.
  • Whisk eggs and cream until well combined. Carefully pour the mixture into cases. You may not need all the mixture.
  • Sprinkle the lavender onto the plum tarts and the tarragon onto the nectarine tarts and bake for 25 mins.
  • Serve warm or at room temperature.
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