Hi from Vancouver.

Welcome to CookingBites @Masticator. :welcome:We are a very friendly forum of very keen cooks and we love new members! Please check out our fun Challenges (currently there are 3 challenges) - we always need more entries! See here: There are currently three challenges for you to enter.
I also like experimenting with new techniques. I've recently be practising with a smoke-gin and a sous vide. Please feel free to join in wherever you wish - or start a new thread about cooking techniques!
Welcome! I loved the seafood when I was there many years ago. The choice in oysters was amazing.
Hi all!
My name is B., I live in the Lower Mainland, BC
Home cook only, ..just took FoodSafe level one..{for something to do}.
Tech geek..always trying different cooking techniques (some more dangerous than others), also trying different ethnic foods almost every other day.
Thats cool that you live in B.C. I Live in Kelowna. Im a tech geek also. I like seeing new tech stuff to make cooking for interesting and more fun.
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