How often do you have leftovers?


2 Aug 2015
Local time
9:02 PM
Virginia, USA
I would say on average, I eat leftovers two or three times a week. I am often the only one eating here, so consequently, I have a lot of food leftover. Since, I am dieting, I don't eat much the first time, so it seems like the leftovers have doubled over here. I do sometimes freeze some of them though. I get bored eating the same food so I have to cook quite a bit.
Usually every day someone here is eating leftovers. we eat them for lunches. almost every dinner I cook, I make extra for lunches for the next day or to be frozen for lunch or dinner another day.
I always cook for more than 1 day. So I will often cook 6 servings of something to do 2 of us for 3 consequitive nights. We are used to it and it came about from a busy life with both of us cycling to and from work and there simply not being enough hours in the day. 1 of us would make the effort to get home early once a week so that we covered the weekdays and the weekends would allow us to cook whatever we wanted which was generally something that took longer than an hour to prepare. Luckily we both enjoy cooking. This way of cooking has stayed with us, so I guess we eat 'leftovers' 4-5 times a week.
I never have leftovers lol. For some reason, I used to love leftovers but now not so much. Since I only ever cook for myself, I make just enough food for that single meal. Besides, a lot of what I make isn't really leftover friendly--a lot of steamed stuff, salads and the like. And I rarely ever go out to eat, so it's not like I'm bringing home doggy bags.
I absolutely hate left overs.

I live away from my parents and cook for myself for 6 years now and one of my biggest milestone was learning how much you have to cook for one person. I really love to cook, it is not something that is annoyance for me, so I prefer cooking every day than looking at yucky leftover sitting in the fridge. Unpopular opinion I guess.
Sunday's topside left overs of beef last days sandwiches ,stir frys even pies
Any left over pizza or things like samosis my youngest has in his packed lunch
With dishes, we have good management because it is seldom that we have leftovers. But with rice, it seems that we always have leftover rice. The problem is the rice cooker with a minimum of 2 cups and that minimum is more than enough for us. What we do with the extra rice is to keep in the fridge and re-heat in the microwave. And when the leftover is plenty, we cook it as fried rice - we have several styles of fried rice so we do not get bored. Even a week old rice is still good for fried rice when it is kept in the fridge.
Probably about 3 times a week - mainly for lunches the next day! I love leftovers myself - it's usually just getting to repeat a meal I enjoy. Also, it's nice when it's things like tomato based sauce meals, since I find things like that seem to taste better the second day!
There is not a pattern when it comes to eating leftovers although most Mondays, I'll have left overs from Sunday cooking. If I had to guess, it would be about twice a week or so, but it definitely varies.
A few weeks ago (or was it months) I had nothing planned for dinner so I checked the fridge and found half a peeled potato in a glass of water, a couple of rashers of bacon, half a tin of beans (in plastic) and two king oyster mushrooms. There was also a sliced loaf which was probably 4 days old so I just poached a couple of eggs and overall it made an acceptable (although somewhat unhealthy) meal.

A few weeks ago (or was it months) I had nothing planned for dinner so I checked the fridge and found half a peeled potato in a glass of water, a couple of rashers of bacon, half a tin of beans (in plastic) and two king oyster mushrooms. There was also a sliced loaf which was probably 4 days old so I just poached a couple of eggs and overall it made an acceptable (although somewhat unhealthy) meal.

Looks tasty though :okay:
A few weeks ago (or was it months) I had nothing planned for dinner so I checked the fridge and found half a peeled potato in a glass of water, a couple of rashers of bacon, half a tin of beans (in plastic) and two king oyster mushrooms. There was also a sliced loaf which was probably 4 days old so I just poached a couple of eggs and overall it made an acceptable (although somewhat unhealthy) meal.

A good old fry up really with healthy poached eggs!
I had leftover beans for lunch, then I froze the rest of them. It is impossible to make pinto beans for 2.
Also froze the leftover roast from the night before.
Almost a gallon of beans and a quart of roast.
This was a load of leftovers I had some time ago. Destined for a couple of 3 egg omelettes.

omelette filling.jpg

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