Is it better to eat small meals


28 Nov 2014
Local time
1:29 AM
I am trying to change my eating habits as I've gained a bit of weight that I am not very fond of.
Just wondering if it is better for me to stick to my normal breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or should I eat more often but in smaller amounts?
I am active as I don't drive and walk everywhere, and it is primarily belly fat that I want to get rid of. I know exercise plays a huge part in weight loss, so I am working on starting a consistent exercise routine.
I am not quite sure which is the better option. I always eat 3 meals a day, breakfast, lunch and supper, and have always remained slim. I was wondering if eating smaller meals more frequently helps in weight gain. However, I have heard that eating small meals frequently throughout the day is good for diabetics, so I do not know if that applies to them only. This is mostly to keep their sugar levels balanced. I cannot say if changing your eating habits would help, but you can give it a try. I have also heard that it is best to eat a light meal at night rather than a heavy one. This may vary from person to person though, since everyone's metabolism is not the same.
Eating smaller portions and only when you are hungry can help. I think she should only eat what you can and then keep the rest as leftovers, or only cook what you can eat. I did a bootcamp for three days and had a restricted diet and several hard hours of exercise and it made a difference. If you are less active, you need less calories, so I would stick to small portions, have a bigger breakfast and then two smaller meals throughout the day as if you had a big breakfast, you should be less hungry.
There is a lot of evidence to suggest that eating small, but regular meals instead of three large meals is much healthier. It helps you to lose weight, keeps your energy levels up and stops you from snacking on unhealthy things between meals. I am not a good example of this though. I usually only eat and evening meal and don't bother to eat for the rest of the day.
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