Kitchen Pornography


2 Mar 2017
Local time
8:38 PM
Some people spend hours on The Net watching pornograhy, or so I'm led to believe
Well so do I, though probably not what you might think at first

My son has recently moved into his first house, so I thought I'd treat him to a decent set of kitchen knives
I started looking at a couple of websites, then just got carried away, looking at many suppliers, and not just knives; pots & pans, utensils, olive oil dispensers, and all sorts of things, just daydreaming of what I might get for my hypothetical kitchen

Then I looked at the time - it was nearly 2 in the morning.
Who me, a sad old man!? I the only one?

So what did I get him? Well nothing actually, the problem is there are so many to choose from
But I've sort of earmarked or settled on a set from Pro Cook, towards the top of their range
The Lockdown ends, hopefully, in mid April, and it will be an excuse to get out
I'll visit my nearest Pro Cook store to examine them in the flesh as it were. I can also have a browse round for myself
My nearest store is in Manchester, and they also have a branch of Nisbetts, so I could have a look in there as well
There are, of course, lots of other things to see & do in Manchester
When I lived in the UK I grew porno carrots
In my case, not so much kitchen equipment porn as food imagery. I spend a lot of time surfing for recipes and often use the photos as a lead. I mean, if I'm researching a certain ingredient. I'll type the ingredient plus 'recipe' into Google and choose the 'images' search option and then get immersed.
Designing a perfect kitchen can be fun, and crazy expensive.

I'd love a nice open kitchen, Hestan outfitted, nice rolling center island prep table, concrete counters or all stainless. Pot filler. Proper range hood. Lots of power outlets. Dedicated sous vide bay in a pullout drawer. Outdoor kitchen with dediated fryer and wok station. A boy can dream.
Designing a perfect kitchen can be fun, and crazy expensive.

I'd love a nice open kitchen, Hestan outfitted, nice rolling center island prep table, concrete counters or all stainless. Pot filler. Proper range hood. Lots of power outlets. Dedicated sous vide bay in a pullout drawer. Outdoor kitchen with dediated fryer and wok station. A boy can dream.

When I designed my house one of my main requirements was power outlets in the kitchen. I have 10.

Unfortunately I didn't pay sufficient attention to the power outlets in the lounge - although there are also 10, they are mostly in the wrong places!
Now that I am closing on my place on the 20th, I've already started getting quotes together for my condo. Not going to go crazy, but enw appliances are gonna be a thing. I'll reface my cabinets myself, and I have a buddy that does granite, so replace the builder grade stuff that's in there and get something a bit more my style.
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