Leavening - Making Doughs Rise


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
1:10 PM
[Mod.Edit: Added UK name for baking soda]

There are three ways to make Doughs rise, that I have known of, Baking Soda (Bicarbonate of Soda in the UK) , Baking Powder and Yeast.

I had never been clear when to use each and had to go and look up comparisons.

Baking Soda is only activated by an acidic ingredient, usually Milk (Lactic Acid). Baking Powder is similar to Baking Soda, but contains its own acidic component - and therefore, can be used in Doughs that do not include an acidic ingredient such as Milk.

Yeast, leavens Dough, but also ferments the sugars in the dough, adding a flavor element.

It is also possible to leaven dough in two other ways, steam to create light Doughs during the process of baking and air in beat or whipped batters.

As I was not completely aware of these differences, I wanted to share what I found, for those members who similarly were not aware.
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