List the foods you won't eat and why!


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
12:17 AM
SE Australia
Following on from the smelliest foods thread, I thought I would start a new thread for foods generally that you won't eat and why.

So I'll start.
  • Any mammal, insect or amphibian flesh or other body parts - I'm vegetarian.
  • All dairy products - I'm allergic to them (fatally so, so that rules them out :whistling:)
  • Bananas and pineapple - I don't like them and they don't like me!
  • Papaya - must don't really like them.
Can't think of anything else really... :D
Over to you!
Celery - can't stand the smell or the taste
Not keen on fish, taste ok but - I ALWAYS end up with a bone [I even got one in a fish finger once - honest]
Otherwise I'll give anything a go [not too sure about the Bear Grylls diet though]
Atrociously spicy foods - messes up the digestive system.
Tofu - don't like it.
Buttermilk - don't drink it, but it is good for baking! :stop:
I've tried lots of different foods over the years some bizarre some expensive ,the only food i have never been able to stomach is french andouille sausage ,its just nasty ,the smell and taste just :sick: expensive and cheap ,still the same,I've tried ballut egg to horse,and its easy to say it tastes like......,
Thick pancakes - Too much bread!

Texas bread - Too much bread!\

Birthday & wedding cakes - Too much bloody frosting! :stop:
Horseradish- Has that spicy biting taste that I can't stand, I can't really describe the feeling thoug, but I am sure you all know what I mean.
Mushrooms- They are just plain horrible tasting to me, I don't like the dirty flavor.
pickles- I am not fond of the sour pickly taste of them, and they are really salty.
Olives- They just plain smell bad to me.
Olives aren't even up for discussion! They look and taste nasty!! All kinds. Never liked them at all, by themselves or in anything else! :yuck: :stop:
Peas. Be they garden, mushy, petit or marrowfat, I can't stand them. I never eat lamb either, unless it has been marinated to within an inch of it's life.
Commercially produced creamed horseradish is mild for the retail market , but I've done a watercress and horseradish pesto and I use fresh root and have to great it very fine andbut makes your eyes water and bows the back of your head ,
I have a patch of roots in my garden but it is lethal in the wrong hands
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