Magna Carta


14 Oct 2012
Local time
11:48 AM
Salisbury Uk
Yesterday was 800 years since the magna Carta was written
On a piece of scraped animal hide , a document that gave us more say
We celebrated it in a big way as we hold the most well preserved copy nearby in Salisbury cathedral 1 of only 4
One of the laws was that wine now had to be sold in a specific measure ,s
have you ever taken time to consider what this document means ,and how the barons pushed this forward ?neither had I
A couple of pictures from last night , the barons were paraded through the town and then showed at the west gate of the cathedral
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Actually I have considered it. As a bill of rights for the common man it is a total waste of time. 95% of it's content is based on a tiny pecentage of a society that no longer exists. Only the right to a trial by ones 'peers' is relevant [and of course this no longer applies if you are a motorist for example - caught by a speed camera it is up to YOU to prove your innocence not them to prove your guilt. Not a big thing maybe but the principal is all here]. Unlike, for example, the American constitution it is a thing of times past and really bears little more relevance to today the king Arthur's round table. The setting down of measures was of course enshrined in law long before this.
There were funny enough a few people with their own views last night , that felt the need to deliver them to the local dignitaries
I would never say the laws are all relevant today due to my light hearted connection to liqueur service laws
And 800 years ago the ideas were cutting edge , but to be honest I had never taken the time to even look at what it was about , it was a piece of manuscript looked at by tourists and sung about by jay-z
It's the age old thing of not taking notice of what's on your door step
And the traditions that surround them
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