Meals from eggs?


9 Apr 2014
Local time
11:13 AM
What kind of meals can be had with eggs as the meat? What exactly would you fix with them?
At home, I use eggs as meat when I am making sauteed vegetables. They add texture and flavor without the added fat from pork or beef.
If I knew how, then I'd say paella.

Huevos rancheros is also pretty good.

There's this hot Japanese custard made out of eggs (or maybe soy? But the taste and texture is a LOT like eggs in some sort of salty broth) that I keep forgetting the name of. Tamagoyaki isn't quite it, but that's basically an omelette.

And then there's eggs Florentine.

I'm sure I'll think up of more later.
omelette, Spanish omelette, quiche, flans plus any stew or soup with an egg cracked into it and simmered for 10-15 mins to cook it (this is really nice because the egg takes on the taste of the dish) - just don't boil the stew at this stage, simmer it!
Omelettes and frittatas are the first things that spring to mind. My family love quiche too. All of these can include lots of other ingredients to create variations, such as herbs, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and cheese. They make great vegetarian, but not vegan, meals. You can add meat to them as well if you prefer.
My favorite go to because it is delicious and easy is scrambling some eggs with some minced veggies and adding a little cheese. I usually use green peppers and onions and cut them up extremely small. I saute them in some olive oil and then I add the eggs and some shredded cheese, sometimes I also add little cubes of cheese it really all depends on how cheesy you want it to be. This is delicious and can easily take care of several servings of veggies a day, I also sometimes top it with tomato but recommend doing that after you plate it.
Vegetable fried rice - just bump up the vegetables and perhaps add in an extra egg to make it more substantial.

Fritatas - Here is one I was considering, which is a Persian egg & zucchini fritata (with a rather silly sounding name):

Quiches - If you've got some frozen pie crusts on hand, these are a great way to use up leftover or soon to be expiring fresh veggies, as well as any leftover cheese you may have. You can also make them with croissant dough in individual ramekins like Panera Bread Company does - they make a fantastic spinach and artichoke quiche.

Crepes / Manicotti - You can stuff these with just about anything you have on hand and go from either savory to sweet with them.
Аrе thе еggs аlrеаdу bоіlеd? Іf sо, hеrе аrе sоmе іdеаs оff thе tор оf mу hеаd:
Ѕlісе аnd аdd thеm tо а sаndwісh. Сut іn hаlf thеу саn bе sеrvеd аs а gаrnіsh оn tор оf аnу grееn sоuр. (Оnе оf thе еаsіеst аnd сhеареst оnеs іs рrоbаblу mаdе wіth јust frоzеn сhорреd sріnасh, stосk аnd а sрlаsh оf сrеаm.) Маkе а сurrу sаuсе аnd sеrvе оvеr thе еggs аnd sоmе rісе. Маkе аn еgg grаtіn (соvеr slісеd bоіlеd еggs wіth сrеаm аnd tор wіth сhееsе, thеn bаkе) -- іf уоu dоn't mіnd thе саlоrіеs аnd fаt, thаt іs. Сhор thеm uр, аdd thеm tо mаshеd роtаtо аnd sоmе sрісеs оr hеrbs, thеn frу thеm lіkе раttіеs. Маkе а rісе/раstа sаlаd оr, whу nоt а sаlаd nісоіsе.
Іf thеу'rе nоt аlrеаdу bоіlеd; mаkе а shаkshukа (а tоmаtо sаuсе wіth еggs сооkеd іnsіdе), а brеаd оmеlеt, еggs bаkеd іn рерреrs, sаlаds wіth роасhеd еggs...
Тhеrе аrе hundrеds оf thіngs уоu саn dо -- еggs аrе аwеsоmе аnd vеrsаtіlе! Gооd luсk wіth thе rеst оf thе mоnth.
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